On Xerox, Apple and Progress 关于施乐、苹果和进步

作者: 布鲁斯·霍恩 日期: 未注明日期 人物: 布鲁斯·霍恩、比尔·阿特金森、拉里·特斯勒、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰里·马诺克 主题: 信用、软件设计、起源 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 一篇讨论 Mac 用户界面起源的文章 , 关于施乐、苹果和进步 On Xerox, Apple and Progress

This essay was written by Bruce in the year 1996. He gave permission to print it again. Bruce helped design the Macintosh computer software. Before that, he worked at Xerox for a long time. Because of this, he has special knowledge about the connection between Xerox and Macintosh.

这篇文章是布鲁斯在1996年写的。他允许再次印刷。 Bruce 帮助设计了 Macintosh 计算机软件。在此之前,他曾在施乐公司工作了很长时间。正因为如此,他对施乐和麦金塔之间的联系有着特殊的了解。

For over 10 years, people have been talking about where the design of the Apple Macintosh computer came from. Most people think it came from Xerox, after Steve Jobs visited a research center called Xerox PARC. This idea is often repeated by people who don’t know the facts (and even by people who should!). Unfortunately, it’s not true. Yes, the Apple design and Xerox’s designs do share some similarities. But the differences are important too.

十多年来,人们一直在讨论 Apple Macintosh 电脑的设计源自何处。在史蒂夫·乔布斯参观了名为施乐帕克研究中心的研究中心后,大多数人认为它来自施乐。

When Steve visited a place called PARC, he saw a computer system called Smalltalk. He saw that it could do many things, like let users select text with a mouse, have menus that pop up, and work with windows. After seeing this, Apple’s Lisa team built a new system using their own ideas and what they remembered from the Smalltalk demo. The team that made the Mac computer also made their own system. There is a big difference between using the Mac and Smalltalk computers.

当史蒂夫参观一个叫 PARC 的地方时,他看到了一个叫 Smalltalk 的计算机系统。他发现它可以做很多事情,比如让用户用鼠标选择文本、弹出菜单以及使用窗口。
看到这一点后,Apple 的 Lisa 团队利用自己的想法以及他们从 Smalltalk 演示中记住的内容构建了一个新系统。制造 Mac 电脑的团队也制造了他们自己的系统。使用 Mac 和 Smalltalk 计算机之间存在很大差异。

Smalltalk does not have a “Finder” because it doesn’t need one. Some other important ideas were created by the team that made the Mac computer. These ideas include:

  • Dragging and dropping files to move them around
  • Storing extra information about a file, such as language and layout, in a special way
  • Defining procedures for actions
  • Adding features to a program by dragging and dropping them
  • Identifying types of files and who created them
  • Directly editing file and application names
  • Adding extra data to the computer’s clipboard
  • Showing multiple views of the same file system
  • Special programs called “desk accessories”
  • Controlling panels on the screen The team that made the Lisa computer also came up with some important ideas. These ideas include:
  • Menus that pop down when you click on them
  • A way of drawing images and windows using QuickDraw
  • A special area called the clipboard where you can copy and paste data
  • Software that can be easily changed to work in different languages.
Smalltalk 没有“Finder”,因为它不需要它。其他一些重要的想法是由 Mac 电脑的制造团队提出的。这些想法包括:
* 拖放文件以移动它们
* 以特殊方式存储有关文件的额外信息,例如语言和布局
* 定义行动的程序
* 通过拖放功能将功能添加到程序中
* 识别文件类型以及创建者
* 直接编辑文件和应用程序名称
* 添加额外的数据到计算机的剪贴板
* 显示同一文件系统的多个视图
* 称为“桌面配件”的特殊程序
* 屏幕上的控制面板
制造 Lisa 计算机的团队也提出了一些重要的想法。这些想法包括:
* 点击菜单时会弹出菜单
* 一种使用 QuickDraw 绘制图像和窗口的方法
* 一个称为剪贴板的特殊区域,您可以在其中复制和粘贴数据
* 可以轻松更改软件以支持不同语言。

Smalltalk, a computer program, had a three-button mouse and a way of showing options on the screen (pop-up menus). This was different from the Macintosh computer, which had a menu bar and a one-button mouse. In Smalltalk, when you made a mistake or closed a window, you had to click on it to fix it. Programs also couldn’t draw inside windows that were partly covered up. A man named Bill Atkinson didn’t know this, so he made a way for the Macintosh to quickly draw inside covered windows and fix parts of windows that were moved in front. One feature of the Macintosh that is the same as a feature in Smalltalk is a way to select and edit text without having a special editing window, and the ability to cut and paste text. This was made by a man named Larry Tesler for his computer program called Gypsy.

Smalltalk 是一个计算机程序,有一个三键鼠标和一种在屏幕上显示选项的方式(弹出菜单)。这与 Macintosh 计算机不同,Macintosh 计算机有一个菜单栏和一个一键鼠标。
在 Smalltalk 中,当您犯了错误或关闭了窗口时,您必须单击它来修复它。程序也无法在部分被遮盖的窗口内进行绘制。
Macintosh 的一个功能与 Smalltalk 中的功能相同,是一种无需特殊编辑窗口即可选择和编辑文本的方法,以及剪切和粘贴文本的能力。这是一个名叫 Larry Tesler 的人为他的名为 Gypsy 的计算机程序制作的。

You might be noticing that the way Xerox and Macintosh computers are set up is very different. This is a much bigger difference than between Mac and Windows computers. It’s no surprise because Microsoft saw a lot of the ideas that went into making the Macintosh computer during the four years it was being developed from 1981 to 1984. This was so that Microsoft could help write programs for the Mac, and it also gave them ideas to use when designing Windows. On the other hand, the people who designed the Mac and Lisa computers had to come up with their own ideas from scratch. Yes, some people who used to work at Xerox were part of the Mac and Lisa design teams, but the way we designed these machines was so different that we didn’t really use what we knew about Xerox systems.

您可能会注意到 Xerox 和 Macintosh 计算机的设置方式非常不同。这比 Mac 和 Windows 计算机之间的差异要大得多。
这并不奇怪,因为微软在 1981 年到 1984 年的四年开发 Macintosh 计算机的过程中看到了很多制造 Macintosh 计算机的想法。这样微软就可以帮助为 Mac 编写程序,同时也给了他们想法设计 Windows 时使用。
另一方面,Mac 和 Lisa 电脑的设计者必须从头开始提出自己的想法。是的,一些曾经在 Xerox 工作的人是 Mac 和 Lisa 设计团队的成员,但我们设计这些机器的方式是如此不同,以至于我们并没有真正使用我们对 Xerox 系统的了解。

The computer hardware was very impressive. It had many features, like being able to do four different sounds at once, being small and portable, having a clock, and being able to play music from floppy disks. The case was also very good-looking, which was a big change from the usual ugly computers at that time. Many people helped design it, including Jerry Manock. The way the computer came in a box was also special. It was like opening a gift. Inside the box were instructions, a book with many pictures, and another book with words about how to use the computer. There was also a special program that taught you how to use the computer, and it came with a music tape to listen to while you followed along. The whole package looked nice, with a special kind of artwork on the box.

计算机硬件非常令人印象深刻。它有很多功能,比如能够同时发出四种不同的声音、小巧便携、有时钟以及能够播放软盘上的音乐。机箱也非常好看,与当时常见的丑陋的电脑相比是一个很大的改变。许多人帮助设计了它,包括杰里·马诺克(Jerry Manock)。

I think the software designs developed at Xerox for Smalltalk and the Xerox Star were much more advanced than the Mac or Windows computers. The Xerox Star was a huge success, with features that modern computers are still trying to catch up with. I do see some improvements in OpenDoc, which is a big step forward from the Xerox systems. I have a lot of respect for the very smart people at Xerox PARC, who introduced many innovations that we now take for granted. I learned a lot from them about designing software.

我认为 Xerox 为 Smalltalk 和 Xerox Star 开发的软件设计比 Mac 或 Windows 计算机先进得多。 Xerox Star 取得了巨大成功,其功能是现代计算机仍在努力追赶的。我确实看到了 OpenDoc 的一些改进,这比 Xerox 系统向前迈出了一大步。我非常尊重施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心的聪明人,他们引入了许多我们现在认为理所当然的创新。我从他们身上学到了很多关于软件设计的知识。

Apple could have made a more advanced computer system, but they had to make it simple and not too expensive because they didn’t have enough time or money. The Macintosh was like a little brother to the Lisa, which was a higher-level computer, so the Mac didn’t have special features like being able to run multiple tasks at once or protect itself from mistakes. The original Macintosh had very limited memory and storage space, so some important parts of the computer took up a lot of space. We made some decisions about the design that we later regretted, but we had to make those choices to get the computer out on the market. If we had been more careful, we might not have finished the project at all.

Macintosh 就像 Lisa 的小兄弟一样,Lisa 是一种更高级别的计算机,因此 Mac 没有特殊功能,例如能够同时运行多个任务或保护自己免受错误影响。

Computer technology hasn’t changed much since 1976. We are still doing the same things over again. Smalltalk, a programming language, had a special way of making programs run on different computers long before Java was invented. Right now, many people are talking about object-oriented programming, but it’s actually been around for almost 30 years. Computer environments haven’t improved much either. I think the environments from Smalltalk in the late 1970s were the best. They were easy to use, fast, and clean. Although there is a good program called CodeWarrior for C++ development, I haven’t seen anything that is as good as the Smalltalk systems I used 20 years ago. The Smalltalk systems today are not as good, easy to use, or well-designed as the old ones, in my opinion.

自 1976 年以来,计算机技术并没有发生太大变化。我们仍在重复做同样的事情。 Smalltalk 是一种编程语言,早在 Java 发明之前就有一种特殊的方式让程序在不同的计算机上运行。现在,很多人都在谈论面向对象编程,但它实际上已经存在了近 30 年了。
计算机环境也没有太大改善。我认为 20 世纪 70 年代末 Smalltalk 的环境是最好的。它们易于使用、快速且干净。
虽然有一个很好的C++开发程序叫做CodeWarrior,但我还没有看到任何东西比我20年前使用的Smalltalk系统更好。在我看来,今天的 Smalltalk 系统不如旧系统那么好、易于使用或设计良好。

We are still far away from creating the perfect computer that can handle all our information and communication needs. We have a lot of work to do to make the computer’s system and user interface better. When designing the user interface, we should focus on the underlying structure and not just make it look new and flashy. Both Copland and Windows 95 (and even Windows NT) are not the final versions of the operating system. Unfortunately, the pressure from businesses to make money is slowing down the development of new and better systems. However, I have faith that Apple will be the one to bring these improvements to future computer systems.

在设计用户界面时,我们应该关注底层结构,而不仅仅是让它看起来新奇、华而不实。 Copland 和 Windows 95(甚至 Windows NT)都不是操作系统的最终版本。

I’m sure some ideas I remember Apple came up with were already thought of by others before. But Apple made them popular and shared them with the world by creating the Mac.

我确信我记得苹果提出的一些想法以前已经被其他人想到过。但苹果公司通过创造 Mac 使它们变得流行并与全世界分享。