A Floppy named lsadkfjalhkjh 名为 lsadkfjalhkjh 的软盘

作者: 布鲁斯·霍恩 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 布鲁斯·霍恩、拉里·特斯勒 主题: Bug、软件设计、发布 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Finder 中的一个早期错误让 Bruce 重新回到绘图板…… , 名为 lsadkfjalhkjh 的软盘 A Floppy named lsadkfjalhkjh

After the Mac was introduced in 1984, we were excited to see people’s first reactions. People were used to using computers with a special set of commands, and we were curious to see how they would like our new way of using computers, which is more like using a game console. I was also curious to see how people liked using the Mac’s “Finder”, a way to organize files and folders, and what they thought was the best part or the most confusing part of it.

1984 年 Mac 推出后,我们很高兴看到人们的第一反应。
我也很好奇人们如何喜欢使用 Mac 的“Finder”(一种组织文件和文件夹的方式),以及他们认为其中最好的部分或最令人困惑的部分。

We went to many stores after a new product was introduced, and we noticed that every floppy disk from Mac had a silly name. These names were things like “lkakl;rt;klgjh” as if someone just typed random characters to see what would happen. And that’s exactly what they did!

新产品推出后,我们去了很多商店,发现 Mac 上的每张软盘都有一个愚蠢的名字。

On the Macintosh computer, the starting disk drive would be on the desktop, in the top right corner. You would be able to open it right away. The computer would automatically select it, so if you started typing, the name of the disk would change. This was a special way of interacting with the computer that I learned from a group called Smalltalk, led by a man named Larry Tesler. It means that whenever someone first used the Macintosh computer, if they started typing, it would change the name of the disk.

在 Macintosh 计算机上,启动磁盘驱动器位于桌面的右上角。您可以立即打开它。
这是一种与计算机交互的特殊方式,是我从一个名为 Smalltalk 的小组中学到的,该小组的领导者是拉里·特斯勒 (Larry Tesler)。
这意味着每当有人第一次使用 Macintosh 计算机时,如果他们开始打字,磁盘的名称就会更改。

We did some tests with regular people, but we didn’t test it enough. The people we tested were already very familiar with Macs, so they didn’t make mistakes like we thought they would. We didn’t ask enough people to see if the way we designed the Finder would be easy for someone with no experience to use, like their mom.

我们测试的人已经非常熟悉 Mac,因此他们并没有像我们想象的那样犯错误。
我们没有询问足够多的人来看看我们设计 Finder 的方式是否适合那些没有经验的人(比如他们的妈妈)使用。

I quickly went back to the office and worked on making a new version of the Finder program. This new version would fix a problem (and some other problems I had found) with renaming a disk on a computer. To make it work properly, the user would need to take one extra action before they could rename the disk.

我很快回到办公室,开始制作新版本的 Finder 程序。

I learned something new when I saw how people were using the Mac. I realized that there were times when separate modes (like for example, a normal and a safe mode) were really helpful. This experience taught me to be humble.

当我看到人们如何使用 Mac 时,我学到了一些新东西。