Donkey 驴

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年8月 人物: 比尔·盖茨、尼尔·康曾、史蒂夫·乔布斯、查尔斯·西蒙尼 主题: 微软 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们发现谁为 PC 编写了一款尴尬的游戏 , 驴 Donkey

The first IBM PC was introduced in August 1981. After that, Apple ran a big advertisement in a newspaper called the Wall Street Journal. The headline read “Welcome, IBM. Seriously.” Even though Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, was usually careful with money, he allowed the people who made the Mac to buy one of these new IBM PCs to take apart and learn from it. As soon as we could, we went to the store and bought one to bring back to our lab.

第一台 IBM PC 于 1981 年 8 月推出。此后,苹果公司在一份名为《华尔街日报》的报纸上刊登了大幅广告。
标题是“欢迎,IBM。说真的。”尽管苹果公司的老板史蒂夫·乔布斯平时在花钱上很谨慎,但他还是允许制造 Mac 的人购买一台新的 IBM PC 来拆解并从中学习。

We were not very happy with the new computer. We were in the middle of making a Macintosh computer, and this one seemed old-fashioned when it came out. The hardware was not clever or special, using many unnecessary chips that didn’t have any cool features. The processor, 8088, was better than the one in the older computer, 6502, but it was not as good as the one we were using in the Macintosh, which was 68000.

处理器 8088 比旧计算机中的处理器 6502 更好,但不如我们在 Macintosh 中使用的处理器 68000。

The biggest problem with the system was the computer program. MS-DOS looked like it was copied from an earlier system, CP/M. Even the sample programs didn’t have much excitement. It came with some simple games written in a basic programming language, and they were quite embarrassing.

MS-DOS 看起来像是从早期的系统 CP/M 复制而来的。

The worst game was a driving game called “Donkey”. The game had very bad graphics. The player had to drive a car slowly across the screen. The road looked fake and was moving very slowly. The player could press the space bar to make the car move a little bit. Sometimes, a big brown blob would suddenly appear in the middle of the road. This was a computer-simulated donkey. If the player didn’t press the space bar quickly enough, their car would crash into the donkey and they would lose the game.


We didn’t like the idea behind the game and thought it was not good. The game had very bad pictures. When we looked at how the game was written, we were surprised to see that Bill Gates and his friend Neil Konzen had made it. Neil was a good computer programmer who worked on Apple computers. He later became important at Microsoft for working on Mac computers. We were surprised that Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, was involved in making this game and had his name on it.

后来,他因在 Mac 电脑方面的工作而在微软变得举足轻重。