First day with the Macintosh team 加入 Macintosh 团队的第一天

作者: 布赖恩·罗伯逊 日期: 1981年8月 人物: 乔治·克劳、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: 罗德·霍尔特(Rod Holt)记得世界上每一个技术细节,却忘记了他雇用了我 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: , 加入 Macintosh 团队的第一天 First day with the Macintosh team

On August 17, 1981, I went to Texaco Towers for my first day at work. I was the first person on the team who did manufacturing work. I arrived at 7:30am. Another person, Rod, came about 30 minutes later and asked me “Who are you?” We talked for a bit, and then he led me to my new workspace. He pointed to a big, soft chair and asked “Is this okay for you?” Later, my desk arrived.

1981 年 8 月 17 日,我第一天去德士古大厦上班。我是团队中第一个从事制造工作的人。
我早上 7 点 30 分到达。大约 30 分钟后,另一个人罗德过来问我“你是谁?”我们聊了一会儿,然后他带我去了我的新工作区。

George Crow, Burrell Smith, and Dan Kotke discovered that I was there to assist. From then on, they asked me for help with finding things, and I couldn’t stop helping them for the next three years.
