Quick, Hide In This Closet! 快,躲到这个壁橱里去!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 乔治·克劳、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、拉里·凯尼恩、史蒂夫·乔布斯、罗德·霍尔特、里奇·威廉姆斯、卡本秀 主题: 硬件设计、管理、Lisa 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫禁止我们与索尼合作 , 快,躲到这个壁橱里去! Quick, Hide In This Closet!

In 1980, Apple changed again. They created a new group called the “Disk Division”, headed by John Vennard. This group was in charge of making a special kind of computer memory called a hard disk, called “Pippin”, and a new kind of floppy disk, called “Twiggy”. Both of these things were meant to be used first on the Lisa project, and later on all of Apple’s products. I had helped write some early tests for Twiggy using an Apple II computer, but when the Disk Division was formed, I was relieved that someone else, Rich Williams, was chosen to be the software expert for the group. I thought that only working on disks would be too narrow a focus for me.

1980年,苹果再次发生变化。他们创建了一个名为“磁盘部门”的新小组,由约翰·维纳德 (John Vennard) 领导。这个小组负责制造一种特殊的计算机存储器,称为硬盘,称为“Pippin”,以及一种新型软盘,称为“Twiggy”。这两个东西都应该首先用于 Lisa 项目,然后用于苹果的所有产品。
我曾帮助使用 Apple II 计算机为 Twiggy 编写一些早期测试,但当磁盘部门成立后,我松了一口气,因为其他人 Rich Williams 被选为该小组的软件专家。我认为只在磁盘上工作对我来说关注点太窄了。

Woz’s design for the Apple II floppy disk was much better than what other companies were doing. So, Apple thought it could keep coming up with new and better ideas to stay ahead. One idea was called Twiggy. The goal was to make floppy disks much bigger by doubling the speed at which data is written (which needed a new type of disk) and using special tricks like slowing down the disk as it spins to fit more data on it.

沃兹的 Apple II 软盘设计比其他公司的设计要好得多。因此,苹果认为它可以不断提出新的、更好的想法来保持领先地位。有一个想法叫做 Twiggy。其目标是通过将数据写入速度加倍(这需要一种新型磁盘)并使用特殊技巧(例如减慢磁盘旋转速度以容纳更多数据)来使软盘变得更大。

The Lisa computer was made to work with Twiggy drives, which were already used in the Lisa’s design. Twiggy drives use a special disk controller that needs the microprocessor to work exactly at the right time. This can be a problem for complex systems like the Lisa, but not for simpler systems like the Apple II. To solve this problem, the designers of the Lisa built a small part of the Apple II inside the Lisa. This part had its own memory and microprocessor, but worked twice as fast. It controlled the Twiggy drives and helped the Lisa work properly.

Lisa 计算机可与 Twiggy 驱动器配合使用,而 Twiggy 驱动器已在 Lisa 的设计中使用。 Twiggy 驱动器使用特殊的磁盘控制器,需要微处理器在正确的时间准确工作。对于像 Lisa 这样的复杂系统来说,这可能是一个问题,但对于像 Apple II 这样的简单系统来说则不然。为了解决这个问题,Lisa 的设计者在 Lisa 内部内置了 Apple II 的一小部分。该部件有自己的内存和微处理器,但工作速度是原来的两倍。它控制 Twiggy 驱动器并帮助 Lisa 正常工作。

The Lisa computer also worked with an extra hard drive using a special connection. The designers of the Twiggy hard drive had trouble making it work properly, so they switched to using the external hard drive instead. The Twiggy hard drive was also slower than expected because it had a lot of mistakes and because it took a little extra time to find the right spot on the disk. The people who made the Lisa operating system were used to working with computers that moved information from the hard drive to the RAM, which wasn’t possible with the slow speeds of a floppy disk. Because of this, the hard drive became necessary, making the minimum price of a Lisa computer over $1,000 more expensive.

丽莎计算机还通过特殊连接与额外的硬盘驱动器一起工作。 Twiggy 硬盘的设计者无法使其正常工作,因此他们转而使用外部硬盘。 Twiggy 硬盘驱动器也比预期慢,因为它有很多错误,并且需要一些额外的时间才能在磁盘上找到正确的位置。开发 Lisa 操作系统的人们习惯于使用将信息从硬盘驱动器移动到 RAM 的计算机,而这对于速度较慢的软盘来说是不可能的。因此,硬盘成为必需品,使得 Lisa 计算机的最低价格贵了 1,000 美元以上。

Lisa was a big announcement in January 1983, but it wasn’t ready to be sold yet. There were many problems, but the main one was that the team making the disk drives (called Twiggy drives) was making fewer disk drives than they needed and many of them had mistakes. The mistake rate was very high, which made it hard to make and sell enough Lisas. Despite these problems, Lisas were finally sent to customers in June 1983. The problems with the disk drives continued, but the company decided to send out the Lisas anyway.

Lisa 是 1983 年 1 月发布的一个重大公告,但当时尚未准备好出售。问题有很多,但最主要的一个是制造磁盘驱动器(称为 Twiggy 驱动器)的团队制造的磁盘驱动器比他们需要的少,而且其中许多都存在错误。错误率非常高,这导致很难制造和销售足够的 Lisas。尽管存在这些问题,Lisa 终于在 1983 年 6 月发送给客户。磁盘驱动器的问题仍然存在,但公司还是决定发送 Lisas。

At the same time, the team working on Mac computers was very worried. They were using a small floppy disk called Twiggy, but it wasn’t reliable or affordable. They needed a hard disk to use as a backup, but they didn’t have one. The Twiggy disk wasn’t good enough for the Mac, but they didn’t have another option. If they couldn’t find a better solution soon, they would have to stop working on the Mac for a long time.

与此同时,负责Mac电脑的团队也非常担心。他们使用的是一种名为 Twiggy 的小型软盘,但它不可靠,也不便宜。他们需要一台硬盘作为备份,但他们没有。 Twiggy 磁盘对于 Mac 来说不够好,但他们没有其他选择。如果他们不能尽快找到更好的解决方案,他们将不得不在很长一段时间内停止在 Mac 上工作。

We were lucky because we knew that Sony was making a new hard drive called a 3.5 inch drive, and it started being sent to Hewlett-Packard in the spring of 1983. George Crow, the engineer who designed the part of the Mac that deals with analog things, used to work at HP before coming to Apple. He thought the Sony drives were the best and managed to get one from his friends at HP. George then suggested to Bob Belleville that we try to connect this drive to the Mac as soon as possible, while we also try to negotiate a deal with Sony.

我们很幸运,因为我们知道索尼正在制造一种名为 3.5 英寸驱动器的新型硬盘,并于 1983 年春天开始将其发送给惠普。模拟事物,在加入苹果之前曾在惠普工作。他认为索尼驱动器是最好的,并设法从他在惠普的朋友那里得到了一个。随后,乔治向鲍勃·贝尔维尔建议,我们尝试尽快将此驱动器连接到 Mac,同时我们也尝试与索尼谈判达成协议。

The Sony drive was very good, especially compared to the Twiggy. It did the same task as the Twiggy, but it used smaller disks that you could carry in your shirt pocket. The best part is that the disks were covered in a hard plastic that made them less likely to break and easier to handle.

索尼驱动器非常好,特别是与 Twiggy 相比。它完成与 Twiggy 相同的任务,但它使用更小的磁盘,您可以将其放在衬衫口袋中。最好的部分是磁盘被硬塑料覆盖,这使得它们不太可能破裂并且更容易处理。

Steve Jobs was finally willing to accept that the Twiggy drive was a failure. When he saw the Sony drive, he really liked it and wanted to use it in Mac computers. Instead of doing the simple thing and working with Sony, Steve decided that Apple should use the knowledge they got from Twiggy to make their own 3.5” drive. They worked with a company in Japan, Alps Electronics, who had already made Apple’s floppy drives at a low cost.

史蒂夫·乔布斯终于愿意接受 Twiggy 驱动器失败的事实。当他看到索尼驱动器时,他非常喜欢它,并想在 Mac 电脑上使用它。史蒂夫没有做简单的事情并与索尼合作,而是决定苹果应该利用他们从 Twiggy 获得的知识来制造自己的 3.5 英寸驱动器。他们与日本公司 Alps Electronics 合作,该公司已经在成本低。

George Crow and Bob Belleville thought it was crazy. The Mac was supposed to be finished in less than seven months, and making a 3.5” drive ready by then seemed impossible. But Steve was sure we should make our own drive and told Bob to stop working on the Sony drive. He told Rod Holt, Bob, and George to go to Japan to meet with Alps to start an urgent project to make a 3.5” drive work.

乔治·克劳和鲍勃·贝尔维尔认为这太疯狂了。 Mac 预计在不到 7 个月的时间内完成,到那时准备好 3.5 英寸驱动器似乎是不可能的。但史蒂夫确信我们应该制造自己的驱动器,并告诉鲍勃停止开发索尼驱动器。他告诉罗德·霍尔特、Bob 和 George 前往日本与 Alps 会面,启动一项紧急项目,以实现 3.5 英寸驱动器的工作。

Bob and George were not happy about working on the Alps project, and they thought it was impossible to finish it on time. So, they came up with a secret plan to work with Sony behind Steve’s back. They were given a special drive to connect to a Mac, but they were told to keep it a secret from Steve. Bob and George also had secret meetings with Sony to talk about what Apple wanted and to start making a deal.

鲍勃和乔治对阿尔卑斯山项目的工作并不满意,他们认为不可能按时完成。于是,他们想出了一个背着史蒂夫与索尼合作的秘密计划。他们获得了一个特殊的驱动器来连接 Mac,但他们被告知要对史蒂夫保密。鲍勃和乔治还与索尼进行了秘密会议,讨论苹果的需求并开始达成交易。

We had two special plans. We had many meetings with Alps and Sony. But we had to keep the Sony meetings a secret from Steve. It was okay in Japan because Steve didn’t come. But it became awkward when Sony workers had to visit us in Cupertino. Sony sent a young engineer named Hide Kamoto to work with Larry on what changes we needed. He was sitting with George in Larry’s office when Steve Jobs suddenly walked in.

我们有两个特别计划。我们与阿尔卑斯和索尼进行了多次会议。但我们必须对史蒂夫保密索尼会议的秘密。在日本还好,因为史蒂夫没有来。但当索尼员工不得不到库比蒂诺拜访我们时,情况就变得尴尬了。索尼派了一位名叫 Hide Kamoto 的年轻工程师与 Larry 一起研究我们需要的改变。当史蒂夫·乔布斯突然走进来时,他正和乔治坐在拉里的办公室里。

George knew that Steve would be curious if he saw Kamoto-san. He quickly tapped Kamoto-san’s shoulder and pointed to the closet nearby. He said urgently, “Please, hide in this closet quickly!” (Note: I changed “Dozo” to “Please” as it is a Japanese expression that means “please”, and it might be confusing in simple English. I also simplified the phrase “ Hurriedly, pointing at the nearby janitorial closet” to make it easy to understand)


Kamoto-san looked very confused, but he got up and quickly went into the dark cleaning closet. He needed to stay there for a few minutes until Steve went away and it was safe for him to come out.


George and Larry were sorry for asking Kamoto-san something weird. He said, “It’s okay, but American ways of doing business are very unusual. Very unusual.”


As expected, the Alps team came back a few weeks later with a new plan that said it would take 18 months to make their drive work. We had to stop working on the project because of this. Later, Bob and George told us that they had been secretly working on a different option with Sony. Steve, the leader, finally said thank you to them for going against his orders and doing what was best. In the end, the Sony drives worked very well, and it’s hard to imagine what the Mac would be like today without them.

正如预期的那样,阿尔卑斯山团队在几周后回来,提出了一项新计划,称需要 18 个月的时间才能让他们的驾驶发挥作用。因此我们不得不停止该项目的工作。后来,鲍勃和乔治告诉我们,他们一直在与索尼秘密研究不同的选择。领导者史蒂夫最后向他们表示感谢,感谢他们违背他的命令并做了最好的事情。最终,索尼硬盘运行得非常好,很难想象如果没有它们,今天的 Mac 会是什么样子。