MacBasic MacBasic

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1985年6月 人物: 唐·丹曼、布莱恩·斯特恩斯、杰罗姆·库南、兰迪·威金顿、约翰·斯卡利、比尔·盖茨、比尔·阿特金森、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 主题: 软件设计、管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: MacBasic 的悲伤故事 , MacBasic MacBasic

When the Apple II was first released in April 1977, it couldn’t do much because there weren’t many programs available for it. To make it more useful, the makers added a special language called “Basic” that allowed users to write their own programs. This language was chosen because it was easy to use and understand. The Apple II had a built-in Basic language called “Integer Basic” that was designed and written by Steve Wozniak, the genius who created the computer’s hardware. This language was stored in the computer’s memory. The Apple II also came with another Basic language on a cassette tape, called “Applesoft Basic”. However, Applesoft eventually replaced Integer Basic because it had a special feature for doing math problems that Woz never finished.

当 Apple II 于 1977 年 4 月首次发布时,它并不能做太多事情,因为没有太多可用的程序。为了使其更有用,制作者添加了一种称为“Basic”的特殊语言,允许用户编写自己的程序。选择这种语言是因为它易于使用和理解。
Apple II 有一种内置的 Basic 语言,称为“Integer Basic”,由创造计算机硬件的天才 Steve Wozniak 设计和编写。
这种语言存储在计算机的内存中。 Apple II 还以盒式磁带形式提供了另一种 Basic 语言,称为“Applesoft Basic”。
然而,Applesoft 最终取代了 Integer Basic,因为它具有解决沃兹从未完成的数学问题的特殊功能。

I started working at Apple the same time as Donn Denman, in 1979. Donn’s job was to help Randy Wiggington change Apple’s basic computer language to work with the Apple III. The Apple III’s memory system was tricky, so they had to make some parts of the language work differently. They also needed to make the language work with the new Apple III operating system. I could see how Donn’s work was going because he sat in the office next to mine in a building called Bandley III, where we moved in the spring of 1980.

1979 年,我与 Donn Denman 同时开始在 Apple 工作。Donn 的工作是帮助 Randy Wiggington 更改 Apple 的基本计算机语言,以便与 Apple III 配合使用。 Apple III 的内存系统很棘手,因此他们必须使语言的某些部分以不同的方式工作。
他们还需要使该语言能够与新的 Apple III 操作系统兼容。我可以看到唐恩的工作进展如何,因为他坐在我的办公室旁边,位于一栋名为班德利三号的大楼里,我们于 1980 年春天搬到了那里。

By the summer of 1981, the Macintosh project was making good progress. We started thinking about what programs we wanted to have when we launched the Macintosh, so people could see its special features. Besides a word processor and a drawing tool, we thought it was important to have a Basic program, so users could create their own programs. We decided to make it ourselves instead of getting it from someone else, because it was important for the Basic programs to use the special way the Macintosh works, and we didn’t trust someone else to do it right.

到 1981 年夏天,Macintosh 项目取得了良好进展。当我们推出 Macintosh 时,我们就开始考虑想要拥有哪些程序,以便人们可以看到它的特殊功能。
我们决定自己制作,而不是从别人那里获得,因为对于基本程序来说,使用 Macintosh 的特殊工作方式非常重要,而且我们不相信其他人能够正确地完成它。

I still got together with some friends from the Apple II group a couple of times a week and tried to convince Donn to join the team working on the Mac computers. At first, he didn’t want to because the Mac project was still small and uncertain. But he was almost done with his work on the Apple III computers and had lots of ideas about how to make them better. In the end, he couldn’t say no and joined the Mac team in September 1981.

我仍然每周与 Apple II 小组的一些朋友聚会几次,并试图说服 Donn 加入 Mac 计算机团队。
起初,他不想这样做,因为 Mac 项目还很小,而且不确定。
但他几乎完成了 Apple III 计算机的工作,并且对如何改进它们有很多想法。最终,他无法拒绝,并于 1981 年 9 月加入了 Mac 团队。

A Basic interpreter is like a tool that helps you write and run programs. It has three main parts:

  1. A text editor where you type your program.
  2. A special part that translates what you wrote into a set of easy-to-understand instructions (byte codes).
  3. A part that uses these instructions to run your program. Donn made the first part of the interpreter and then wrote some of these byte codes to test it. He made some simple graphics tools early on because they looked nice to show off the interpreter’s abilities. After a few months, Donn had built a program that drew really cool and complicated pictures of trees. These pictures scrolled across multiple windows at the same time. Donn used this program to show off the interpreter’s ability to run many things at the same time.
1. 一个文本编辑器,您可以在其中输入程序。
2. 一个特殊的部分,它将你编写的内容翻译成一组易于理解的指令(字节码)。
3. 使用这些指令来运行程序的部分。
Donn 制作了解释器的第一部分,然后编写了其中一些字节代码来测试它。他很早就制作了一些简单的图形工具,因为它们看起来很适合展示口译员的能力。
几个月后,唐恩开发了一个程序,可以绘制非常酷且复杂的树木图片。这些图片同时在多个窗口中滚动。 Donn 使用这个程序来展示解释器同时运行许多事情的能力。

By the spring of 1982, it was clear that Donn needed some help to finish Basic by the planned release date of January 1983. So, we decided to hire someone to work with him. Donn knew Bryan Stearns from his previous job at Apple II, so we asked him to join the team. Bryan was only 18 years old, but he was very interested in the project and Donn thought they worked well together, so we gave him a chance.

到 1982 年春天,Donn 显然需要一些帮助才能在计划的 1983 年 1 月发布日期之前完成 Basic。因此,我们决定雇用某人与他一起工作。
Donn 在 Apple II 之前的工作中认识了 Bryan Stearns,因此我们邀请他加入团队。
布莱恩只有 18 岁,但他对这个项目非常感兴趣,而且唐恩认为他们合作得很好,所以我们给了他一个机会。

Basic had a hard time getting popular, especially since the computer system was changing quickly. After a few months, I was surprised to hear that Bryan was leaving the project to work for a small new company started by Chuck Mauro. I tried to convince him to stay, but he left anyway. By the spring of 1983, it was clear that Basic would not be ready for the computer’s introduction. Because of this, the person in charge of software, Jerome Coonen, took Donn away from the Basic project to work on other parts of the computer’s program. Donn worked on special tools, like an alarm clock and notepad, as well as the math part of the calculator.

Basic 很难流行起来,尤其是在计算机系统变化很快的情况下。几个月后,我很惊讶地听到 Bryan 将离开该项目,前往 Chuck Mauro 创办的一家小型新公司工作。
我试图说服他留下来,但他还是离开了。到 1983 年春天,很明显 Basic 还没有为计算机的推出做好准备。正因为如此,软件负责人杰罗姆·库宁(Jerome Coonen)将唐恩从Basic项目中抽离出来,转而从事计算机程序的其他部分。

After Apple released the Mac computer in January 1984, Donn went back to working on the Basic program, determined to finish it. Apple hired some writers to write books about Basic, including one who was part of the first group of Mac users in the San Francisco area. But then Microsoft surprised us by releasing its own Basic program for the Mac, which they hadn’t told us they were making. This new program did a lot of the same things we were worried it would do, because it wasn’t really designed to work with the Mac’s user-friendly interface. Donn was making good progress with our Basic program, and we were looking forward to showing people what it could really do on the Mac.

1984 年 1 月 Apple 发布 Mac 电脑后,Donn 重新开始开发 Basic 程序,决心完成它。
苹果聘请了一些作家撰写有关 Basic 的书籍,其中一位是旧金山地区第一批 Mac 用户之一。
但后来微软发布了自己的 Mac 基本程序,让我们感到惊讶,但他们并没有告诉我们他们正在制作该程序。
这个新程序做了很多我们担心它会做的事情,因为它并不是真正设计用于 Mac 的用户友好界面。
Donn 在我们的 Basic 程序上取得了良好的进展,我们期待着向人们展示它在 Mac 上的真正功能。

Apple was facing another big problem. Apple had a deal with Microsoft for a special kind of programming language called Applesoft Basic. This deal would expire in September 1985 after eight years. Apple still made most of its money from the Apple II computer, and it would be hard to replace Applesoft without causing trouble for the other software they had. Bill Gates, the boss of Microsoft, took advantage of this situation. He knew that another programming language, Donn’s Basic, was much better than Microsoft’s, so he made Apple agree to two things to keep their deal. First, Apple had to stop using MacBasic, a different programming language, and sell it to Microsoft for just $1. Then, Apple had to agree to let Microsoft use the user interface of their new computer, the Macintosh, forever. This was a very bad deal for Apple, made by their boss, John Sculley, in November 1985.

苹果还面临着另一个大问题。 Apple 与 Microsoft 达成协议,开发一种名为 Applesoft Basic 的特殊编程语言。该协议将于 8 年后于 1985 年 9 月到期。
苹果公司的大部分收入仍然来自Apple II计算机,并且很难在不给他们拥有的其他软件带来麻烦的情况下取代Applesoft。微软的老板比尔盖茨就利用了这种情况。
他知道另一种编程语言,Donn 的 Basic,比微软的要好得多,所以他让苹果公司同意两件事以保留他们的协议。
首先,Apple 不得不停止使用 MacBasic(一种不同的编程语言),并将其以 1 美元的价格出售给微软。
对于苹果公司来说,这是一笔非常糟糕的交易,由他们的老板约翰·斯卡利 (John Sculley) 在 1985 年 11 月达成。

When Donn learned that MacBasic was no longer going to happen, he was very sad. His boss told him that MacBasic was not being made anymore and that he should delete all the important computer code and copies. But the boss didn’t want to tell Donn why MacBasic was stopped. Donn was very upset and didn’t know what to do. He decided to go for a wild ride on his motorcycle. He crashed, and when he got home, he was hurt and scratched, but not badly hurt. His already hurt feelings made him feel even worse.

当 Donn 得知 MacBasic 将不再出现时,他非常难过。
他的老板告诉他 MacBasic 不再生产,他应该删除所有重要的计算机代码和副本。但老板不想告诉 Donn 为什么 MacBasic 被停止。

Bill Atkinson was very upset that Apple was being so unfair to Donn and his friends who used their software. He told John Sculley how he felt, but unfortunately the deal was already done and couldn’t be changed.


Donn asked for time off from his job, but later went back to work at Apple on different projects, like making a special kind of programming code called AppleScript.

唐恩请了假,但后来又回到苹果公司从事不同的项目,比如制作一种名为 AppleScript 的特殊编程代码。

Apple released a special early version of a computer programming language called MacBASIC to some people, including a university. The university used it in a class to teach students how to program. Apple wanted to get the early versions back, but many people illegally copied and shared it. As a result, two books about MacBASIC were written and sold well for a few years.

Apple 向一些人(包括一所大学)发布了一种名为 MacBASIC 的计算机编程语言的特殊早期版本。
苹果希望找回早期版本,但许多人非法复制和分享。结果,两本关于 MacBASIC 的书被写出来并在几年内畅销。