PC Board Esthetics 印刷电路板美观

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年7月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、伯勒尔·史密斯、乔治·克劳、布莱恩·霍华德、丹·科特克 主题: 硬件设计、个性 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫关心印刷电路板的美观

The first Mac computers were made by hand. A special method called “wire-wrapping” was used. This means that a thin wire was wrapped around two small pins to connect one signal to another. The first Mac was made by Burrell himself, and others were made by Brian Howard and Dan Kottke. However, this method was slow and often made mistakes.

第一台 Mac 电脑是手工制造的。使用了一种称为“绕线”的特殊方法。
第一台 Mac 是由 Burrell 本人制作的,其他则是由 Brian Howard 和 Dan Kottke 制作的。

By the spring of 1981, we had a solid design for the Mac’s hardware. This allowed us to create a special board that would help us make prototypes faster. We asked Colette Askeland, who worked on the Apple II, to make the board design. After working with Burrell and Brian for a few weeks, she finished the design and sent it to make a small number of boards.

到 1981 年春天,我们对 Mac 的硬件有了可靠的设计。这使我们能够创建一个特殊的板,帮助我们更快地制作原型。
我们请 Apple II 的 Colette Askeland 进行电路板设计。
在与 Burrell 和 Brian 合作了几周后,她完成了设计并将其用于制作少量的电路板。

We started having meetings every week in June 1981. Most of the team came to these meetings, where we talked about the problems we were facing. At the second or third meeting, Burrell showed us a detailed plan of the PC board, which had already been used to build a few working models. He blew it up to be four times bigger than the real thing, so we could all see the details clearly.

1981 年 6 月我们开始每周开会。
在第二次或第三次会议上,Burrell 向我们展示了 PC 板的详细计划,该计划已用于构建一些工作模型。

Steve looked at the design and said, “Some parts of it look really good!” “But the memory chips are not nice. The lines are too close together and it doesn’t look good.”

史蒂夫看着设计说:“它的某些部分看起来真的很棒!” “但是存储芯片并不好。

George Crow, a new engineer who works with old technology, stopped Steve. He said, “It doesn’t matter what the computer board looks like. What’s important is how well it works. Nobody will ever see the board anyway.”

乔治·克劳(George Crow)是一位使用旧技术的新工程师,他阻止了史蒂夫。他说:“电脑板是什么样子并不重要。

Steve said strongly, “I’m going to take a look. I want it to be perfect, even the parts that nobody can see. A good craftsman wouldn’t use bad wood for the back of a cabinet, even though nobody will look at it.”


George and Steve began to disagree. George didn’t have enough experience to understand that the fight was not going to work out. Luckily, Burrell stopped George from arguing further.


“It was hard to do that part because of the way information is sent from one piece of hardware to another. If we change it, it might not work properly with electricity.”


“Okay, I’ll explain,” said Steve. “Let’s try another arrangement to make the board look nicer. If it doesn’t work as well, we can always go back to the original one.”

“好吧,我会解释的,”史蒂夫说。 “让我们尝试另一种安排,让董事会看起来更好。如果效果不好,我们可以随时回到原来的安排。”

We spent another $5,000 to make some boards with a different design. This design had the memory bus routed in a special way that Steve liked. But, sadly, the new boards didn’t work correctly like we had hoped. Burrell had warned us that this might happen, so we went back to the old design for the next set of prototypes.

我们又花了 5,000 美元制作了一些具有不同设计的电路板。