Shut Up! 住口!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年7月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·盖茨、查尔斯·西蒙尼 主题: 3rd 方开发商、微软、原型 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们第一次向 Microsoft 演示 Macintosh

Apple already knew that it was good to have many third-party software companies making programs for its Apple II computer. When a small company called Software Arts made a program called Visicalc, it became very popular among businesses, and Apple II sales went up by more than ten times. Apple wanted to make the new Macintosh computer popular too, and that’s why it was important to get third-party developers working on programs for it right away.

苹果公司已经知道,有许多第三方软件公司为其Apple II 计算机制作程序是件好事。
当一家名为 Software Arts 的小公司制作了一款名为 Visicalc 的程序后,它在企业中非常受欢迎,Apple II 的销量增长了十倍以上。

We chose to talk to Microsoft first because it was one of the earliest companies in the computer industry. Microsoft and Apple, another early company, already worked together. Apple used Microsoft’s computer programming language, called Applesoft Basic, for their Apple II computers. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the founders of these companies, were both born the same year and shared a big dream for computers. They both thought they were better than each other, but Steve usually treated Bill like he was a little less important. Bill thought less of Steve because he couldn’t write computer code himself.

Apple 在 Apple II 计算机中使用了 Microsoft 的计算机编程语言 Applesoft Basic。

Steve mentioned the Macintosh project to Bill at a meeting in April. He told him some exciting ideas about making many Macintosh computers in a factory. Bill was interested and they had another meeting in Seattle in June. Steve showed Bill some pictures of what the machines would look like. Bill’s company, Microsoft, would make special computer programs that would work well with the Macintosh. They decided to meet again in July to show Bill a real working Macintosh computer. The meeting in July went well and they made plans for the future.

他们决定在 7 月份再次见面,向比尔展示一台真正可以工作的 Macintosh 电脑。

There was a small problem. We were using the Lisa computer to develop software for the Macintosh. But the Macintosh wasn’t ready to work on its own yet. It needed to be connected to the Lisa to get software from it. However, the team working on the Lisa didn’t want Microsoft to see the Lisa. They asked us to promise that we wouldn’t show the Lisa to Microsoft.

有一个小问题。我们使用 Lisa 计算机为 Macintosh 开发软件。
它需要连接到 Lisa 才能从中获取软件。
然而,Lisa 的开发团队不希望微软看到 Lisa。
他们要求我们保证不会向微软展示 Lisa。

We found a way to solve the problem. We would use a long cable, 25 feet long, and keep the Lisa computer in a room that the Microsoft team wasn’t allowed to enter. I would turn on the programs on the Lisa computer in the other room, and Bud Tribble would work on the Macintosh computer. Then, I would go to the main room to see the Microsoft team’s reaction.

我们找到了解决问题的方法。我们会使用一根 25 英尺长的长电缆,并将 Lisa 计算机放在 Microsoft 团队不允许进入的房间内。
我会打开另一个房间的 Lisa 计算机上的程序,而 Bud Tribble 将在 Macintosh 计算机上运行。

Bill Gates came to our meeting with three other people from Microsoft: Charles, Jeff, and Mark. Charles just started working with Microsoft and came from a place called Xerox PARC. Jeff will be in charge of creating the Macintosh computer. Mark will help with the technical parts of the project. They saw the early version of the Macintosh computer, and we showed them how it worked. Steve talked a lot about it.

比尔·盖茨 (Bill Gates) 与微软的另外三位员工一起参加了我们的会议:查尔斯 (Charles)、杰夫 (Jeff) 和马克 (Mark)。
Charles 刚刚开始在 Microsoft 工作,来自一个叫 Xerox PARC 的地方。

Bill Gates didn’t listen well. He didn’t like it when someone explained something to him, step by step. He wanted to skip ahead and try to figure it out himself, even if he wasn’t really sure.


We showed him how the mouse cursor on the Macintosh computer moved smoothly and didn’t blink or flicker.


“What technology do you use to make the cursor”, he asked.


The Macintosh computer didn’t need any special parts to make it work. Instead, it used its software to do everything, which made it more flexible. This was important because it helped to remove any flickering on the screen. In fact, I and a person named Burrell had just made a mouse work well on an Apple II computer using a similar technique.

事实上,我和一个名叫 Burrell 的人刚刚使用类似的技术使鼠标在 Apple II 计算机上运行良好。

“I don’t have any special equipment for that!” I said quickly, probably with a slight smile on my face. “But what I can tell you is that… we were able to make it work on an old Apple computer called the Apple II, which is much slower than the newer Macintosh computer.”

“我没有任何特殊设备!”我连忙说道,脸上大概还带着浅浅的微笑。 “但我可以告诉你的是……我们能够让它在一台名为 Apple II 的旧苹果电脑上运行,它比较新的 Macintosh 电脑慢得多。”

“Be quiet!”, he shouted loudly, looking right at me. He shouted it again, trying to cover up what I was going to say. But I understood what he meant, so I changed what I was going to say. Instead, I said, “Actually, doing it in software is better.”


The rest of the demo went well, and both teams were very excited about what the Macintosh computer could do. We went out to a nice dinner in Los Gatos to celebrate. We agreed to work together on a project and decided to give the other company a special Mac computer to work with in the fall. We were very happy to be working with another company that understood and liked what we were doing.

演示的其余部分进展顺利,两个团队都对 Macintosh 计算机的功能感到非常兴奋。
我们同意合作开展一个项目,并决定在秋季为另一家公司提供一台特殊的 Mac 电脑供其使用。