A Message For Adam 给亚当的信息

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年4月 人物: 亚当·奥斯本、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 性格、性格冲突 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们在西海岸电脑博览会上遇到了亚当·奥斯本

The Apple II was first shown to the public in April 1977 at a special event called the West Coast Computer Faire. This event was important because it was one of the first times that people could see all the new computers and technology that was emerging. I liked these events because they were a time when people passionate about computers got together, before big companies took over and everything became too commercialized.

Apple II 于 1977 年 4 月在一次名为“西海岸电脑博览会”的特别活动中首次向公众展示。

In April 1981, a few people from the Mac team left work early and went to San Francisco to visit a big computer show. The big news at the show was the introduction of a new portable computer called the Osborne I. It was made by a new company called Osborne Computer and was called the world’s first portable computer.

展会上的重大新闻是推出了一款名为 Osborne I 的新型便携式计算机。

Adam Osborne was a important person in the early days of computers. He was a writer who explained technical things to people. He started a company to write about important computer parts and software, which later became part of a big educational company called McGraw-Hill. He became a well-known writer who wrote about computers in a magazine called InfoWorld. He had a new idea about how computers should work: he thought they should be simple, affordable, and easy to use for many people.

亚当·奥斯本 (Adam Osborne) 是计算机早期的一位重要人物。他是一位向人们解释技术问题的作家。
他创办了一家公司,专门编写重要的计算机部件和软件,该公司后来成为一家名为 McGraw-Hill 的大型教育公司的一部分。

In 1980, he made his idea real by starting a company called Osborne Computer Company. The company made a special computer called the Osborne 1. It was a portable computer that was compact and affordable, and it came with some built-in programs. He worked with a very experienced person, Lee Felsenstein, to design the computer’s hardware. They showed their new computer at a computer event on the West Coast, just like Apple had done a few years ago.

1980 年,他创办了一家名为 Osborne Computer Company 的公司,将自己的想法变为现实。
该公司制造了一款名为 Osborne 1 的特殊计算机。它是一款结构紧凑、价格实惠的便携式计算机,并且带有一些内置程序。
他与一位非常有经验的人 Lee Felsenstein 一起设计了计算机的硬件。

The Osborne 1 computer was shown at a crowded stand in the middle of Brooks Hall. It looked like a large lunchbox with a keyboard on the back, and two floppy disk drives and a small 5-inch screen inside. We were surprised because it looked similar to an early design for the Macintosh computer, which Steve had recently changed to a vertical design. Even though it was called “portable”, the computer was quite heavy, weighing around 25 pounds. However, it was small enough to fit under an airplane seat. As fans of the Macintosh computer, we found the character-based programs for CP/M operating system clumsy and awkward to use on the small, scrolling screen.

Osborne 1 计算机在布鲁克斯大厅中间一个拥挤的展台上展示。
尽管它被称为“便携式”,但该计算机相当重,重约 25 磅。然而,它足够小,可以放在飞机座位下面。
作为 Macintosh 计算机的粉丝,我们发现 CP/M 操作系统的基于字符的程序在小型滚动屏幕上使用起来很笨拙且不方便。

We walked to the front of the crowd to see the things on display. We went to ask a technical question to one of the presenters, but we were surprised when Adam Osborne, himself, was standing right in front of us, reading our name badges before the presenter could answer our question.


“Hey guys”, he said in a slightly sneering tone, “What do you think? Don’t you think the Osborne 1 will sell a lot more than the Apple II? What department of Apple do you work in?”

“嘿,伙计们,”他略带冷笑地说道,“你们觉得怎么样?你们不觉得 Osborne 1 的销量会比 Apple II 多很多吗?你们在 Apple 的哪个部门工作?”

When we told him that we worked on the Mac team, he started laughing. “I’ve heard about the Macintosh,” he said. “When can I see it? You should go back to Steve Jobs and tell him that the Osborne 1 will sell more computers than the Apple II and the Macintosh together.” (Note: The Osborne 1 was a computer released in 1981, and the Apple II was a popular computer at the time. Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple, and he was responsible for the development of the Macintosh computer.)

当我们告诉他我们在 Mac 团队工作时,他开始大笑。 “我听说过麦金塔电脑,”他说。 “我什么时候能看到它?你应该回到史蒂夫·乔布斯那里,告诉他 Osborne 1 的销量将比 Apple II 和 Macintosh 的总销量还要多。”
(注:Osborne 1是1981年发布的电脑,Apple II是当时流行的电脑。史蒂夫·乔布斯是苹果公司的首席执行官,他负责Macintosh电脑的开发。)

Later that day, after going back to our office in Cupertino, we told Steve about our meeting with Adam Osborne. He smiled and pretended to be mad, then picked up the phone from a desk in Bud’s office. He called directory assistance to get the phone number for the Osborne Computer Company.


“Hello, this is Steve Jobs. I would like to talk to Adam Osborne, please.”


The secretary told Steve that Mr. Osborne is not at work right now and will not come back to the office until tomorrow morning. She asked Steve if he wants to leave a note for Mr. Osborne.


Steve said “yes”. After a moment, he continued, “Here’s what I want to say to Adam: he’s a mean person.”


There was a pause while the secretary thought about how to answer. Steve added one more thing, “Also, I heard that Adam is interested in the Macintosh computer. Tell him that the Macintosh is so good that he might even buy some for his kids, even though it hurt his company’s business.”
