The Times They Are A-Changin' 时代正在改变

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、伯勒尔·史密斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、迈克·马库拉 主题: 营销、发布 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 大日子终于到来了 , 时代正在改变 The Times They Are A-Changin’

January 24, 1984 was a special day. We had been waiting for it for a long time, so it felt surreal when it finally arrived. We had the Macintosh computer to show at Apple’s meeting with our important friends who gave us money. We were excited, but also a little worried about the special program we made to show off the Macintosh. We were also very tired because we worked very hard to finish the important computer code until the last minute.


I went to one of the rehearsals on the weekend to help prepare for a demonstration. It was difficult because there were many problems. Apple brought a very strong video projector called a LightValue that made the Macintosh display look even bigger and brighter than I thought it could. But the Mac computer had to be connected to the projector using a special board that Burrell made because of the Mac’s special way of showing video. The LightValue was also very difficult to work with, taking a long time to start up and sometimes shutting off without warning. Plus, Steve wasn’t interested in rehearsing and could only manage to do one, complete practice run.

Apple 带来了一款非常强大的视频投影仪,称为 LightValue,它使 Macintosh 显示屏看起来比我想象的更大、更亮。但由于 Mac 电脑显示视频的特殊方式,必须使用 Burrell 制造的特殊板将 Mac 电脑连接到投影仪。
LightValue 也很难使用,需要很长时间才能启动,有时会在没有警告的情况下关闭。另外,史蒂夫对排练不感兴趣,只能完成一次完整的练习。

Most of the software team usually doesn’t come to work until late in the morning. But today, we all gathered in our office at 7:30am to walk to a big meeting room together. The meeting room was far away, so it took us about 30 minutes to get there on foot. When we arrived, the room was already full, and it quickly got very crowded. There was even no space to stand anymore. We took our seats in the second row, which was reserved for employees from the Macintosh division.

但今天,我们早上 7 点 30 分聚集在办公室,一起走向一个大会议室。

The lights went out, and Steve Jobs came on stage from the left side. He was wearing a nice black suit and a fancy bow tie. He looked like a big showman from Las Vegas, not just a computer expert. You could see that he was a bit nervous, but he stopped the applause and started talking.


“Hello everyone! Welcome to Apple’s annual meeting. I’d like to start by reading a famous poem by Bob Dylan. Here’s part of it: Come, writers and critics, who write what you think. Keep your eyes open, because this chance won’t come again. Don’t talk too much, because the future is still spinning, and we don’t know who will be in charge. The people who lose now will win later. The times are changing. I’d like to thank Apple’s board of directors for their help this year, which was a tough one. Now, I’d like to turn the meeting over to our lawyer, Al Eisenstadt, to take care of the formal business. Al will go over some important details, and then our new CEO, John Sculley, will share some news about the company. He joined us nine months ago.”

现在,我想把会议交给我们的律师艾尔·艾森施塔特 (Al Eisenstadt) 处理正式事务。

John talked about Apple’s last quarter. Even though they didn’t sell as many Lisas as they expected, they sold a lot more Apple IIes than they did the year before, which is great. But the people listening seemed bored and impatient, waiting for the most important part to start. John sensed this and finished talking quickly. Finally, he thanked Mike Markkula and Apple’s leaders for helping him in his first few months at Apple, especially one person in particular.

约翰谈到了苹果公司最后一个季度的情况。尽管他们的 Lisas 销量没有预期那么多,但 Apple II 的销量却比前一年多了很多,这很棒。
最后,他感谢 Mike Markkula 和苹果公司的领导者在他加入苹果公司的头几个月里为他提供的帮助,特别是其中一个人。

“The best part of being at Apple for the last nine months has been getting to know Steve Jobs as a friend. Steve is a key person at Apple and a leader in creating new products. I’m happy to introduce him again now.”


Steve came back onto the stage when the lights got dimmer again. “It’s 1958,” he said in a slow and serious tone. “IBM had a chance to buy a small company that invented a new invention called xerography. But they said no, and two years later, Xerox was created. Now IBM regrets their decision.” The audience laughed, and Steve took a pause.

当灯光再次变暗时,史蒂夫回到舞台上。 “这是 1958 年,”他用缓慢而严肃的语气说道。 “IBM 有机会收购一家小公司,该公司发明了一种名为静电复印的新发明。
但他们拒绝了,两年后,施乐公司诞生了。现在 IBM 对他们的决定感到后悔。”观众笑了,史蒂夫停顿了一下。

Steve had prepared a special speech for a sales meeting in Hawaii last autumn. He was going to introduce a new commercial for 1984. I had seen him give this speech a few times before, but never with as much energy, passion, and feeling in his voice.

去年秋天,史蒂夫为夏威夷的一次销售会议准备了特别演讲。他要介绍 1984 年的一个新广告。我以前见过他做过几次这样的演讲,但从来没有像他的声音那样充满活力、激情和感情。

“Ten years have passed, we’re now in the late 1960s,” he said quickly. “Digital Equipment Corporation and other companies create small computers called mini-computers. IBM doesn’t think mini-computers are important because they’re too small to do real work, so they don’t care about them. Digital Equipment Corporation grows into a very big and profitable company before IBM decides to enter the mini-computer market.” Steve stopped talking again.

“十年过去了,我们现在已进入 20 世纪 60 年代末期,”他很快说道。 “数字设备公司和其他公司生产称为迷你计算机的小型计算机。
IBM 认为微型计算机并不重要,因为它们太小,无法完成实际工作,所以他们不关心它们。

“It’s been 10 years. It’s the late 1970s. In 1977, a small new company called Apple Computer on the West Coast came out with a computer that people could use at home, called the Apple II. At first, many others thought this kind of computer wasn’t important because it couldn’t do big, serious tasks. But Apple didn’t agree,” Steve said with a pretend annoyed tone, and the crowd clapped.

“已经过去了 10 年。现在是 20 世纪 70 年代末。1977 年,西海岸一家名为 Apple Computer 的小型新公司推出了一款人们可以在家使用的计算机,名为 Apple II。

“Back in the early 1980s, Apple’s computer, the Apple II, became the best-selling computer in the world. Apple became a huge company worth 300 million dollars in just a few years, growing faster than any other company in American history. Many other companies wanted a piece of the action, but then IBM, a giant in the business world, entered the market of making computers for personal use in November 1981 with their IBM PC.”

“早在 20 世纪 80 年代初,苹果公司的电脑 Apple II 就成为世界上最畅销的电脑。苹果公司在短短几年内就成为一家价值 3 亿美元的大公司,其增长速度比美国历史上任何其他公司都快。
许多其他公司都想分一杯羹,但商业界的巨头 IBM 于 1981 年 11 月凭借 IBM PC 进入了个人用计算机制造市场。”

“In 1983, Apple and IBM became the strongest companies in the computer industry. They sold computers worth almost $1 billion each that year. The competition was getting intense. One major computer company went out of business, and others were struggling to stay alive. In total, the computer industry lost a lot of money in 1983, which was even more than the money Apple and IBM made combined.”

一家大型计算机公司倒闭了,其他公司则在为生存而苦苦挣扎。总的来说,1983 年计算机行业损失了很多钱,甚至比苹果和 IBM 赚的钱加起来还多。”

He speaks slowly and strongly. “It’s 1984. It looks like IBM wants to be in charge of everything. Apple is the only one that can compete with IBM. At first, dealers were happy to work with IBM. But now they’re scared because IBM might control everything and take away their freedom. That’s why they’re switching back to Apple, because Apple is the only one who can help them stay in control.”

他说话缓慢而有力。 “那是1984年,看起来IBM想要掌控一切。苹果是唯一能与IBM竞争的公司。一开始,经销商很乐意与IBM合作。
但现在他们害怕了,因为 IBM 可能会控制一切并剥夺他们的自由。这就是他们转回苹果的原因,因为苹果是唯一可以帮助他们保持控制的人。”

Steve stops talking for a few extra seconds as the crowd gets even louder. He has everyone’s full attention. “IBM wants to be in charge of everything, and it’s trying to get rid of its last big problem, Apple. Will IBM be able to control the whole computer industry and even the way we get information? Is George Orwell’s prediction true?”

他得到了所有人的全部关注。 “IBM想要掌控一切,它正试图摆脱它的最后一个大问题,苹果。IBM是否能够控制整个计算机行业,甚至我们获取信息的方式?乔治·奥威尔的预测是真的吗?”

The crowd is very excited now. On the screen is a famous TV commercial from 1984 that was shown for the first and only time during the big American football game called the Superbowl two days ago. The commercial shows a strong and pretty young woman athlete suddenly entering a room where a group of people with a tough hairstyle are meeting. She throws a big hammer at a symbol of a oppressive government, and the screen explodes in a bright flash of light. By the time the commercial is over, everyone in the room is standing up and cheering loudly.

人群现在非常兴奋。屏幕上播放着 1984 年著名的电视广告,该广告在两天前名为“超级碗”的大型美式橄榄球比赛期间首次播放,也是唯一一次播放。

Steve says that the Macintosh is a very important product, like the Apple II and the IBM PC. He’s been working on it for a long time and is very happy with how it’s turned out.

史蒂夫说,Macintosh 是一种非常重要的产品,就像 Apple II 和 IBM PC 一样。他已经为此工作了很长时间,并且对结果非常满意。

For a long time, one Macintosh computer was sitting in its special bag on the stage. Steve walked over to the bag, opened it, and took out the Mac. He plugged it in and put a floppy disk in. Then, the computer started working by itself. Everything went smoothly, as you can see in the video (see “It Sure Is Great To Get Out Of That Bag!”).


Hello! I’m Macintosh, and it’s wonderful to be out of that bag finally!

你好!我是 Macintosh,终于摆脱那个包真是太棒了!

I’m not very good at talking in front of a crowd, so I want to share something with you. When I first saw a big old computer called an IBM mainframe, I thought of a phrase. It’s: Never trust a computer that you can’t pick up!

我不太擅长在众人面前讲话,所以我想和你们分享一些东西。当我第一次看到一台叫做 IBM 大型机的大型旧计算机时,我想到了一个短语。它是:永远不要相信你无法拿起的计算机!

I can talk, but today I want to take a break and listen instead. So, with a lot of pride, I am happy to introduce a man who has been like a parent to me… Steve Jobs!


The crowd is very noisy and excited when the demo (test) is finished. Steve is very happy, with a huge smile on his face. You can tell he is close to crying because he is so overwhelmed with excitement. The crowd claps for a long time - at least five minutes - before Steve can finally get them to be quiet.


The rest of the meeting was kind of boring. Steve talked about marketing and showed new versions of the Lisa. He also showed a slideshow with voices from important people who helped make the Mac computer. After that, Steve gave the meeting back to Al Eisenstadt to talk about the results of the shareholder vote and finish the formal part of the meeting.

会议的其余部分有点无聊。史蒂夫谈论了营销并展示了 Lisa 的新版本。他还播放了幻灯片,其中收录了帮助制造 Mac 电脑的重要人物的声音。
之后,Steve 将会议交回给 Al Eisenstadt,讨论股东投票结果并完成会议的正式部分。

When the people in the audience left, they were given a copy of the first issue of MacWorld magazine. The person on the cover was Steve. The Mac team stayed near the stage and congratulated each other, waiting for everyone to leave.

当观众离开时,他们得到了一份《MacWorld》杂志第一期。封面上的人是史蒂夫。 Mac团队留在舞台附近互相祝贺,等待大家离开。

After we went back to our office, Bandley 3, we were surprised to see a big truck from Apple arriving in the parking lot. The truck was full of brand new computers called Macintosh. Each member of our team got one, and their name was written on the back. Steve went to each person, shook their hand, and smiled as we all cheered and clapped.

回到班德利 3 号办公室后,我们惊讶地看到一辆苹果公司的大卡车抵达停车场。卡车上装满了名为 Macintosh 的全新电脑。

We were all very excited and couldn’t concentrate on our work that afternoon. Many of us didn’t want to go home because we were looking forward to buying something. The new Macs were supposed to be available that day, right after the introduction. I thought it would help me feel more connected to the new product if I could actually buy one. So, five or six of us walked to the nearest Apple store to see if we could buy one right away. The first store we visited didn’t have any Macs in stock and told us they weren’t for sale yet. But we didn’t give up and went to the next store. The person at the next store was willing to sell me a Mac, even though they didn’t have any available yet.

新款 Mac 原本应该在推出后的当天上市。我认为如果我真的能买一个,这会让我对新产品有更强烈的感觉。
于是,我们五六个人步行到最近的苹果专卖店,看看是否可以立即购买一台。我们参观的第一家商店没有任何 Mac 存货,并告诉我们它们尚未出售。
但我们并没有放弃,又去了下一家店。隔壁商店的人愿意卖给我一台 Mac,尽管他们还没有可用的。