Things Are Better Than Ever 事情比以往任何时候都好

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年9月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、帕特·夏普、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: 放弃、性格冲突、现实扭曲 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我的休假即将结束 , 事情比以往任何时候都好 Things Are Better Than Ever

At the end of August 1984, I was near the end of my six-month break from work (see my break page). I was still trying to decide if I would go back to Apple. Even though I loved the company, it would be hard for me to leave and give up my job there. But I didn’t see a better option, so it wasn’t clear what I would do.

1984 年 8 月底,我六个月的休假即将结束(请参阅我的休假页面)。我仍在考虑是否要回到苹果。

I knew I would keep writing software for the Macintosh, which was a new and exciting machine with many opportunities for making new and innovative programs. I was sure I could make more money on my own than Apple was offering me, even if I included the value of my stock options. But making a lot of money wasn’t my top priority.

我知道我会继续为 Macintosh 编写软件,这是一台令人兴奋的新机器,有很多机会制作新的创新程序。

My main concern was that I wanted to help make the Mac better and still be able to make a big difference. I didn’t think that even if I worked on the Mac alone, I could have a big impact. But if I worked for Apple, I could make a much bigger difference because Apple has the power to change the Mac in a big way. Even though things were going okay so far, the Mac’s future was not guaranteed. Its success depended on what Apple decided to do to make the Mac better.

我主要关心的是我想帮助 Mac 变得更好,同时仍然能够做出巨大的改变。我不认为即使我独自在 Mac 上工作,也能产生很大的影响。
但如果我为 Apple 工作,我可以做出更大的改变,因为 Apple 有能力大幅改变 Mac。
尽管到目前为止一切进展顺利,但 Mac 的未来并没有得到保证。它的成功取决于苹果决定采取什么措施来让 Mac 变得更好。

Many of my friends still worked at Apple, so I heard a lot about what was happening there. I would visit them in Cupertino every week or two. I would sit in their office, which was like a big fishbowl. At first, I was a bit shy, but I quickly felt comfortable because they made me feel welcome. I lived next door to a man named Burrell Smith, who designed hardware for Mac computers. He would tell me about his problems at work every day. Unfortunately, the news he told me wasn’t good.

我住在一个名叫 Burrell Smith 的隔壁,他为 Mac 电脑设计硬件。他每天都会告诉我他工作中遇到的问题。不幸的是,他告诉我的消息并不好。

When I took a break, just a few weeks after the Mac team joined the Lisa team in February 1984, they became one big team. Steve Jobs said this would help the rest of Apple be more like the Mac team, but to me, it seemed like the opposite happened. What I liked about the Mac team, the people who shared my ideals and values, seemed to have disappeared. The team became like a big, slow-moving organization with many problems and petty disagreements.

当我休息时,就在 Mac 团队于 1984 年 2 月加入 Lisa 团队几周后,他们成为了一支大团队。史蒂夫·乔布斯表示,这将有助于苹果的其他部门变得更像 Mac 团队,但对我来说,情况似乎恰恰相反。
我对 Mac 团队的喜爱,那些与我有共同理想和价值观的人,似乎已经消失了。团队变得像一个大而缓慢的组织,存在许多问题和细小的分歧。

The main team of software developers was still trying to catch its breath after working very hard to finish a big project. They did almost nothing for the whole spring and summer because they were feeling very down and unmotivated. The current main project was the LaserWriter printer and the network that needed to work with it. The main team wasn’t involved in those projects much. Nobody had set a new goal for the team to work towards, and now they were just wandering around without direction.

当前的主要项目是 LaserWriter 打印机以及需要与其配合使用的网络。主要团队并没有过多参与这些项目。没有人为团队设定新的目标,现在他们只是在没有方向的地方徘徊。

Burrell Smith finished working on the LaserWriter’s computer board and then started working on a new computer board for the Macintosh, called the “Turbo Macintosh”. This new board had a special chip that allowed it to draw pictures and show text in different shades of gray, and it could connect to a special kind of computer memory to read and write data quickly. However, Burrell often argued with his boss, Bob Belleville, and other engineers about small details in the design. Burrell thought that Bob didn’t really want to add a hard drive to the Mac, and instead wanted to create a special computer that people could use to share files, like the ones made by Xerox. Burrell thought that Bob was secretly trying to stop the Turbo project. I didn’t think that Burrell would be able to deal with this situation much longer. He said he was getting closer and closer to being free from Apple.

Burrell Smith 完成了 LaserWriter 计算机板的设计工作,然后开始为 Macintosh 开发一种新的计算机板,称为“Turbo Macintosh”。
伯勒尔认为鲍勃并不是真的想在 Mac 上添加硬盘,而是想创建一台特殊的计算机,人们可以用它来共享文件,就像施乐公司制造的计算机一样。

Bud Tribble was happy because he finished his six-year school program to become a doctor and a scientist. He decided not to be a doctor and instead went back to his old job at Apple. He started working for Bob Belleville. In July 1984, Bud moved into a spare room at his friend Burrell’s house. I lived next door, so I saw him often. I always respected Bud and enjoyed showing him my work because he would always make it better with his smart ideas.

他决定不做医生,而是回到苹果公司原来的工作岗位。他开始为鲍勃·贝尔维尔工作。 1984 年 7 月,巴德搬进了他朋友伯勒尔家的一间空房间。

I had mixed emotions about going back to the Macintosh team, but Bud was a connection to the old days. I thought we could make a small team within the big organization that followed the old Macintosh values. But this seemed unlikely if Bud worked for Bob Belleville, who I didn’t get along with. The only solution I could think of was for Bud to work directly for Steve Jobs instead of Bob. Bud agreed, but only Steve could make it happen. So, I called Steve’s secretary and arranged to meet Steve and Bud for dinner to talk about me coming back to Apple.

对于回到 Macintosh 团队,我的心情很复杂,但巴德与过去的时光有着千丝万缕的联系。我认为我们可以在大组织内组建一个遵循旧麦金塔价值观的小团队。但如果巴德为鲍勃·贝尔维尔工作,我和他相处得不好,这似乎不太可能。

We met in the lobby and walked to an Italian restaurant near our location. Steve seemed worried and I was anxious about how he would react to what I had to say. I wanted to make a point that might not make him happy. After we ordered food, I took a deep breath and started talking.


“I really care about Apple and I want to come back from my break. I would like to work with Bud again, but right now things are in a big mess. I’m going to be honest with you. The team that makes software is feeling really sad and hasn’t done much work in a long time. Bud is so frustrated that I don’t think he will stay at his job until the end of the year.”


Steve glared at me strongly. “You don’t understand what you’re saying!”, he said, sounding more playful than upset. “Everything is going well. The Macintosh team is doing well, and I’m really happy right now. You’re just not aware of what’s going on.”

史蒂夫用力地瞪着我。 “你不明白你在说什么!”他说道,听起来更像是开玩笑,而不是沮丧。 “一切都很顺利。麦金塔团队做得很好,我现在真的很高兴。你只是不知道发生了什么。”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought Steve might be joking, or maybe not. I looked at Bud, and he seemed confused too. He shrugged his shoulders as if saying, “I don’t know what to say.” But I could tell he wasn’t going to agree with me.


“If you really believe what you’re saying, I don’t think I can ever come back,” I said, feeling my chances of returning slipping away. “The Mac team I want to come back to is no longer even there.”

“如果你真的相信你所说的话,我想我永远不会回来了,”我说,感觉自己回来的机会正在消失。 “我想回到的 Mac 团队已经不存在了。”

“The people working on Mac computers had to become more responsible, and so do you,” Steve replied. “I want you to come back, but it’s your choice if you don’t want to. Remember, you’re not as important as you think you are.” (Note: The original text is a quote from Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, likely referring to a situation where someone is criticizing or leaving the company. The rewritten text maintains the same tone and message in simpler language.)

“在 Mac 电脑上工作的人必须变得更加负责任,你也一样,”史蒂夫回答道。 “我希望你回来,但如果你不愿意,那是你的选择。记住,你并不像你想象的那么重要。”

I noticed that we were too far apart to keep talking. So, we finished eating and went back to Apple without saying anything more.


I was surprised that leaving my job at Apple was easy. I just called the human resources department and told them I won’t be coming back. I didn’t need to sign papers or give back my ID, which I still have today. I thought it would feel sad to finally quit, but instead, I felt happy that it was done and excited to start writing my own Macintosh software.

我不需要签署文件或归还我的身份证,我至今还留着身份证。我原以为最终退出会感到悲伤,但相反,我对它的完成感到高兴,并为开始编写自己的 Macintosh 软件感到兴奋。