It Sure Is Great To Get Out Of That Bag! 从那个袋子里出来真是太棒了!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、史蒂夫·卡普斯、布鲁斯·霍恩、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、苏珊·凯尔、迈克·博伊奇、马克·巴顿、史蒂夫·海登 主题: 营销、发布、软件设计 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们需要一个演示作为介绍 , 从那个袋子里出来真是太棒了! It Sure Is Great To Get Out Of That Bag!

It took a lot of hard work to finish the first version of the Macintosh software on time. We worked endless hours, and our team fueled themselves with a lot of chocolate-covered espresso beans. We finally finished just in time, sending the last version to the factory at 6am on January 16th, just one week before it was supposed to be introduced. By then, most of the team had gone without sleep for days, so we all went home to rest.

经过一番艰苦的努力才按时完成了 Macintosh 软件的第一个版本。
我们终于及时完成了,于 1 月 16 日早上 6 点将最后一个版本发送到工厂,距离原定推出的时间只有一周。

I thought I would need a lot of sleep after working hard for 24 hours, but I woke up after 6 hours and wanted to go back to Apple to check if we had successfully released the new software and to see how others were doing. By 5pm, most of the software team had come back to work, and we were all feeling tired but happy that we finally finished the project. Just then, Steve Jobs walked into the software area.

下午 5 点,软件团队的大部分人都回来工作了,我们都感到疲惫,但很高兴我们终于完成了项目。就在这时,史蒂夫·乔布斯走进了软件区域。

“Get up, you’re not finished! You still have some work to do!”


Oh no! I thought to myself, someone must have found a big mistake in the release and we need to find it! But that’s not what he meant!


“We really need a special demonstration for the introduction of the Mac. The Mac should have a great show for its first public appearance. I want the Mac to play the famous ‘Chariots of Fire’ music while it shows a slideshow of all the useful things you can do with it. We should also add some other cool things that people will like. We need to finish this by the weekend so it’s ready for the practice sessions.”

“我们确实需要一个特别的演示来介绍 Mac。Mac 的首次公开亮相应该有一场精彩的表演。我希望 Mac 能够播放著名的“烈火战车”音乐,同时显示所有有用的幻灯片我们还应该添加一些人们会喜欢的其他很酷的东西,我们需要在周末之前完成它,以便为练习做好准备。”

We complained about being tired, but talking about it made us think cooking something amazing would be fun. We were too tired to think about it at first, but when we came back the next day, we started to make a plan.


Capps had an idea to show “Macintosh” on the screen, one letter at a time, in big letters. He worked on that and the slideshow pictures. Bruce Horn wanted to draw a picture of a starry night with twinkling stars. He also wanted to add a skywriter writing “Macintosh” in writing across the stars. Susan made a picture of the Mac sitting in its bag, and some other pictures for the slideshow. I combined all the parts and took care of choosing the music for the demo, “Chariots of Fire”. Nobody else wanted to do that.

苏珊拍了一张 Mac 放在包里的照片,以及一些其他照片用于幻灯片放映。
我组合了所有部分并负责为演示“Chariots of Fire”选择音乐。没有人愿意这样做。

It’s hard to create a music player for music in just two days. I tried to make one that could play the music from the movie “Chariots of Fire”, but it didn’t sound good because it just used simple beeps without making the sound better with special effects. Steve didn’t like it and said it was bad. He decided to play the real music from the “Chariots of Fire” CD instead.

史蒂夫不喜欢它并说它很糟糕。他决定改为播放“烈火战车”CD 中的真实音乐。

While we were working on a special show of our computer, a man named Mike Boich came to visit. He brought a friend, Mark Barton, who had made a special program for an old Apple computer. The program was called S.A.M. and it made text sound like a person was speaking. It had a friendly voice. I had helped Mark fix some sound problems while he was making it. Now, after a lot of work, S.A.M. was finally finished. It sounded even better on our new Mac computer because it could make more sounds and sound more clearly.

他带来了一位朋友马克·巴顿(Mark Ba​​rton),他为一台旧苹果电脑制作了一个特殊程序。
该计划被称为 S.A.M.它使文字听起来就像一个人在说话。
在我们的新 Mac 电脑上听起来甚至更好,因为它可以发出更多声音,而且声音更清晰。

When Steve heard what SAM could do, he decided that we should include it in the first demo of the Macintosh computer. “I want this computer to introduce itself before anyone else!”, he said. He told Mike Boich to quickly make a deal with Mark so that Apple could use SAM (which was now called Macintalk) in the introduction of the computer.

当 Steve 听说 SAM 的功能时,他决定我们应该将其包含在 Macintosh 计算机的第一个演示中。
他告诉 Mike Boich 尽快与 Mark 达成协议,以便苹果公司可以在推出计算机时使用 SAM(现在称为 Macintalk)。

When my music program stopped working, I had to do the talking part. I used Mark Barton’s libraries to help me. I knew I wasn’t smart enough to write a speech on my own. I think Susan came up with the idea of asking Steve Hayden, the head writer at Chiat-Day, to help. Steve is the person who came up with the idea for the 1984 commercial and is very good at what he does. He was happy to help and finished the job overnight.

我知道我不够聪明,无法自己写一篇演讲稿。我想苏珊想出了请 Chiat-Day 的首席作家史蒂夫·海登帮忙的主意。
史蒂夫是 1984 年广告创意的提出者,并且非常擅长他的工作。他很乐意帮忙,连夜就完成了工作。

When we put all the parts of the demo together, it didn’t work well on a regular Mac computer. Luckily, we had a special early version of a Mac with 512 kilobytes of memory in our lab. We decided to use that special Mac for the demo, because it was powerful enough to work properly.

当我们将演示的所有部分放在一起时,它在普通 Mac 计算机上运行得不太好。
幸运的是,我们的实验室有一台特殊的早期版本 Mac,内存为 512 KB。
我们决定使用那台特殊的 Mac 进行演示,因为它功能强大,足以正常工作。

The presentation starts with a picture of the Mac computer hidden in its bag on a stage. We can’t see the computer yet, but the stage is setup and ready to go. The music starts playing from a CD, not from the computer. Big letters appear on the screen, spelling out “Macintosh”. Then, we see Bill’s airplane writing in the sky and some pictures of different computer programs, including some from other companies like Microsoft. After this, the music stops and the screen goes blank. We wait for Steve to press the computer mouse button. When he does, the Mac starts talking in a funny but friendly voice.

演示开始时,展示了舞台上藏在包里的 Mac 电脑的图片。我们还看不到计算机,但舞台已经搭建完毕并准备就绪。
音乐从 CD 开始播放,而不是从计算机开始播放。屏幕上出现大字,拼出“Macintosh”。
当他这样做时,Mac 开始用有趣但友好的声音说话。

Hello! My name is Macintosh. It’s wonderful to be out of that bag at last!


I’m not used to talking in front of a big group of people, but I want to tell you a saying I thought of when I first saw a big IBM computer: Don’t trust a computer that you can’t carry.


I can talk, but right now I’d like to listen. I’m honored to introduce a very important person in my life, like a father figure… Steve Jobs!
