Eulogy for Brian 布莱恩的悼词

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 2010年2月 人物: 布莱恩·霍华德、杰夫·拉斯金、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: 苹果精神,悼词 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Macintosh 英雄布莱恩·霍华德 (Brian Howard) 悼词,1944 年至 2010 年 , 布莱恩的悼词 Eulogy for Brian

Brian Howard was the second person to join Apple’s computer team, called Mac. He worked at Apple for 30 years and helped design many different computers. When he died from cancer in 2010, his wife asked me to talk about what he did for Apple at his memorial service. Below are the notes I used for the talk.

布莱恩·霍华德 (Brian Howard) 是第二个加入苹果电脑团队(Mac)的人。他在苹果公司工作了 30 年,帮助设计了许多不同的计算机。
2010 年他因癌症去世时,他的妻子请我在追悼会上谈谈他为苹果所做的事情。以下是我在演讲中使用的笔记。

Brian was a very kind and humble person. Even though it might bother him to hear it, I want to say how much Brian helped Apple and the team that worked on the Macintosh computer. He also helped the computer industry and all the people who use computers.


Brian joined Apple in 1978 as employee number 32. He was with another friend, Jef Raskin. At the time, Apple was a small company. Brian and Jef had worked together before. They had a small company where they did technical work. In 1977, they got a job from Apple to write a manual. They did a great job. As a result, they were offered full-time jobs to help start Apple’s publication department. They found a team of people who wrote and helped create the fun and playful personality that is special to Apple.

Brian 于 1978 年加入 Apple,担任第 32 号员工。他和另一位朋友 Jef Raskin 在一起。当时,苹果公司还是一家小公司。布莱恩和杰夫以前曾合作过。他们有一家小公司,从事技术工作。 1977 年,他们从苹果公司得到了一份编写手册的工作。他们做得很好。结果,他们获得了全职工作来帮助创办苹果公司的出版部门。他们找到了一个团队,他们撰写并帮助创造了苹果特有的有趣和俏皮的个性。

In 1979, Jef started writing papers about a new kind of computer. He wanted computers to be very cheap and easy to use, so that many people could buy them. Brian helped Jef think about his ideas and work out the technical details. When Jef got permission to create a small team to make these computers, Brian was the first person to join. For a little while, the team was just Jef and Brian.

1979 年,杰夫开始撰写有关新型计算机的论文。他希望计算机非常便宜且易于使用,以便很多人可以购买它们。布莱恩帮助杰夫思考他的想法并制定出技术细节。当杰夫获准创建一个小团队来制造这些计算机时,布莱恩是第一个加入的人。有一段时间,团队里只有杰夫和布莱恩。

The project began to succeed when Jef hired Burrell Smith, who came up with a great design for the hardware. This made Jef’s ideas come to life and drew in Steve Jobs, one of the people who started Apple. However, Jef and Steve had a big disagreement because of their personalities. Although they had some similar tastes, they just couldn’t work together. When Jef left the project, there was a lot of pressure on Brian to leave too. If Brian left, it might have made Burrell leave as well. If that happened, the project would have been hopeless.

当 Jef 聘请 Burrell Smith 时,该项目开始取得成功,Burrell Smith 提出了出色的硬件设计。这使得杰夫的想法变成了现实,并吸引了苹果公司的创始人之一史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)。然而,杰夫和史蒂夫因为性格问题产生了很大分歧。虽然他们的品味有些相似,但就是无法合作。
当 Jef 离开该项目时,Brian 也面临着很大的离开压力。如果布莱恩离开,伯勒尔也可能会离开。如果发生这种情况,该项目将毫无希望。

Brian was good friends with Jef. He had to tell Jef that he thought it was best for him to stay at Apple. This was a hard decision because it would help their shared goal, but it would cause Jef pain. Brian is a level-headed and practical person, which helped the team during this difficult time. If Brian hadn’t made this difficult decision, Apple and Macintosh might not be around today. It was a hard choice for Brian to make, but it was the right one.

布莱恩和杰夫是好朋友。他必须告诉杰夫,他认为留在苹果对他来说是最好的选择。这是一个艰难的决定,因为这将有助于他们的共同目标,但也会给杰夫带来痛苦。 Brian是一个头脑冷静、务实的人,在这个困难时期为团队提供了帮助。如果布莱恩没有做出这个艰难的决定,苹果和麦金塔今天可能就不会存在了。对于布莱恩来说,这是一个艰难的选择,但这是正确的选择。

Burrell was a very clever and unusual person, but he was also quite hard to work with because he got frustrated easily. Brian, on the other hand, was calm and kind, and he was very smart and good at writing technical things. Because of this, Brian was the perfect partner for Burrell. Brian helped connect Burrell’s great ideas to the rest of Apple by writing down the details clearly and patiently explaining Burrell’s unusual methods to the other employees.


Brian often stayed late at Apple to help his colleague Burrell. They were working together to fix problems, like making sure the computer board was correct before sending it out, or finding and fixing mistakes with how everything worked together. Burrell got very upset when he was stressed, but Brian stayed calm. This made Brian a good partner for Burrell. Burrell called Brian “Uncle Dougie”, which shows he respected him. He thought Brian was mature and could always be counted on.


It was Brian’s idea to do something different. He wanted to add extra lines to the computer boards so that the memory could be easily increased. This would allow our customers who bought the computer early to use it for a longer time without having to buy a new one. By making a simple change, the memory could be increased from 128K to 512K, which would be a big help to our customers.


Brian worked at Apple for a very long time. Most of the people who started Apple with him left the company, but Brian stayed. He worked with someone named Bob Bailey to make many of the best Mac computers. Whenever there was a really good one, it was usually made by Bob and Brian. In fact, Brian worked at Apple for over 30 years, which makes him the person who worked there the longest.

布莱恩在苹果公司工作了很长时间。与他一起创办苹果公司的大多数人都离开了公司,但布莱恩留下了。他与鲍勃·贝利 (Bob Bailey) 合作制造了许多最好的 Mac 电脑。每当有真正好的作品时,它通常都是由鲍勃和布莱恩制作的。事实上,布莱恩在苹果工作了 30 多年,这使他成为在苹果工作时间最长的人。

Brian was a very kind and helpful person who made everyone feel better, even when things were very difficult. This made him a great partner for people who are super creative, like Jef, Burrell, and Steve. Brian was easy to work with because he was funny, very smart, and knew how to get things done in a practical way. He was one of the best people I have ever met, and I will really miss him.
