The Father Of The Macintosh 麦金塔电脑之父

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 未注明日期 人物: 巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、乔安娜·霍夫曼、杰夫·拉斯金、罗德·霍尔特、伯勒尔·史密斯、布莱恩·霍华德、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、杰里·马诺克、比尔·阿特金森、迈克·马库拉 主题: 信用、人格 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 麦金塔电脑之父是谁? , 麦金塔电脑之父 The Father Of The Macintosh

A long time ago, in the early days of personal computers, it was possible for one person or a small group to create a revolutionary product. Steve Wozniak is the one who created the Apple II. He designed the main computer board and wrote all the software, including a special program that let people use the computer, even before Apple became a company. However, Wozniak didn’t do it alone. He had help from Rod Holt for the parts of the computer that use electricity, and from Steve Jobs and Jerry Manock for the design and the outer casing of the computer.

很久以前,在个人电脑的早期阶段,一个人或一小群人就可以创造出革命性的产品。史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 (Steve Wozniak) 是 Apple II 的创造者。

By the 1980s, things became more complicated. Instead of just one person, many people worked together to make the Macintosh computer. At least six people did important work. When we launched the Macintosh, Steve Jobs chose seven of us (except himself) to be the “design team”, but it could have been five or fifteen people instead. Some people felt left out and unhappy because they weren’t included. It was hard to decide who was part of the team and who wasn’t.

到了 20 世纪 80 年代,事情变得更加复杂。 Macintosh 计算机不是一个人的工作,而是许多人共同努力的结果。至少有六个人做了重要的工作。

If you search for “Father of the Macintosh” on Google, you’ll see many results about Jef Raskin, the person who started the project. Jef was a professor at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he taught computer science and music. He joined Apple in 1978 as one of the first 31 employees. Before that, he and his friend Brian Howard wrote a manual for Apple’s Basic programming language at their consulting firm, called Bannister and Crun (named after a funny TV show). Apple liked the manual so much that they hired Jef and Brian to start an internal publication group at Apple.

如果您在 Google 上搜索“Macintosh 之父”,您会看到许多有关该项目发起人杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin) 的结果。 Jef 是加州大学圣地亚哥分校 (UCSD) 的教授,教授计算机科学和音乐。
他于 1978 年加入 Apple,成为首批 31 名员工之一。在此之前,他和他的朋友 Brian Howard 在他们的咨询公司 Bannister and Crun(以一个有趣的电视节目命名)编写了一本苹果基本编程语言手册。

In the beginning of 1979, Jef finished building an excellent team for a pubs department. He then gave them to Phyllis Cole and started thinking about how personal computers could reach more people than just hobbyists. He wrote down his ideas in a few short papers. He shared his idea for a very cheap and easy-to-use computer with Mike Markkula in March 1979. Mike liked the idea and gave Jef permission to find a few people and work on a special project in September 1979. Jef called the project “Macintosh”, after his favorite kind of apple. Jef wrote down most of his ideas for the new computer in a book called “The Book of Macintosh”.

1979 年初,Jef 完成了酒吧部门优秀团队的组建。然后,他把它们交给了菲利斯·科尔,并开始思考个人电脑如何能够惠及更多人,而不仅仅是业余爱好者。他在几篇短文中写下了他的想法。
1979 年 3 月,他与 Mike Markkula 分享了他关于一台非常便宜且易于使用的计算机的想法。Mike 喜欢这个想法,并于 1979 年 9 月允许 Jef 找几个人从事一个特殊项目。Jef 将该项目称为“ Macintosh”,以他最喜欢的苹果的名字命名。杰夫在一本名为《麦金塔之书》的书中写下了他对新计算机的大部分想法。

Jef was in charge of the Macintosh project at Apple. He had a clear idea of what he wanted: a simple, affordable, and easy-to-use computer for many people. This idea stayed at the center of the project even after Jef left Apple. Jef also deserves praise for putting together a very talented team of people to build the computer. He hired his student Bill Atkinson and brought in others like Burrell Smith, Bud Tribble, Joanna Hoffman, and Brian Howard. However, the Macintosh computer we know today is very different from what Jef originally wanted to build. In fact, it’s more like a unique, special product than Jef’s original idea.

Jef 负责 Apple 的 Macintosh 项目。他清楚地知道自己想要什么:一台简单、价格实惠且易于使用的适合许多人的计算机。即使在杰夫离开苹果之后,这个想法仍然是该项目的核心。
然而,我们今天所知道的麦金塔计算机与杰夫最初想要建造的计算机有很大不同。事实上,它更像是一种独特、特殊的产品,而不是 Jef 最初的想法。

Jef didn’t want Macintosh computers to use two important parts: a special kind of computer chip and a pointing device that uses a mouse. Jef liked a cheaper chip, but it was not as good and would soon become outdated. He also didn’t like the mouse and wanted to use special keys on the keyboard to navigate instead. As time went on, Jef became less involved with the team and eventually left in the summer of 1981. The final product didn’t use many of the ideas he had written down. If the project had been renamed after the new leader, Steve, took over in January 1981, it would be hard to connect it to Jef’s ideas at all.

Jef 不希望 Macintosh 计算机使用两个重要部件:一种特殊的计算机芯片和使用鼠标的指点设备。杰夫喜欢更便宜的芯片,但它不太好,而且很快就会过时。他也不喜欢鼠标,想使用键盘上的特殊键进行导航。
随着时间的推移,Jef 与团队的联系越来越少,并最终于 1981 年夏天离开。最终的产品并没有使用他写下的许多想法。如果该项目在 1981 年 1 月新领导者 Steve 上任后重新命名,那么就很难将其与 Jef 的想法联系起来。

If Steve Jobs didn’t make the Macintosh, who else could be considered its “parent”? One strong contender is Bill Atkinson, who did a lot of work on the computer’s user interface, graphics, and important software. Another person who could be considered is Burrell Smith, who designed the computer’s circuit board and helped start the whole project. But in my opinion, Steve Jobs should be given the most credit because he had a clear vision for what the Macintosh should be, and he made sure it was created with high quality. He worked hard to make sure the team met very high standards. Steve is often given credit for his role, and I think it’s well deserved.

另一个可以考虑的人是伯勒尔史密斯,他设计了计算机的电路板并帮助启动了整个项目。但在我看来,史蒂夫·乔布斯应该得到最大的赞扬,因为他对 Macintosh 应该是什么样子有清晰的愿景,并且他确保它是高质量的。