The Apple Spirit 苹果精神

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 未注明日期 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 主题: 苹果精神,灵感 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我写的一篇关于苹果价值观的文章发表在《MacWeek》上 , 苹果精神 The Apple Spirit

I wrote an article called “The Apple Spirit” in 1988. It was about the special creativity I found in the Apple II computer and how we were able to bring that to the Macintosh. The article talks about the important ideas that are behind many of the stories in this collection, so I thought it would be useful to include it here.

1988 年,我写了一篇名为“Apple Spirit”的文章。这篇文章讲述了我在 Apple II 计算机中发现的特殊创造力以及我们如何将其带到 Macintosh 上。

I bought something very special in January 1978. It cost me almost all of my money at that time - $1295 plus tax. It was an Apple II computer with 16,000 bytes of memory. As soon as I got it, I was very happy. The more I used it, the more I loved it. I was finally able to own my own computer, and it was actually even better than I had imagined.

1978 年 1 月,我买了一些非常特别的东西。当时它几乎花掉了我所有的钱——1295 美元(含税)。这是一台具有 16,000 字节内存的 Apple II 计算机。我一拿到手,心里就非常高兴。我用得越多,我就越喜欢它。我终于能够拥有自己的电脑了,而且它实际上比我想象的还要好。

I started spending a lot of my free time with my Apple computer, and soon I was spending even more time learning about its technical parts. As I taught myself a new computer language, I started to see that this computer was special. The way it was programmed was unique and creative, just like the design of the computer itself, especially the high-quality picture screen. It was clear that the people who made it were passionate about their work. I got so interested in the Apple II that I decided to go work at the company that made it. I stopped going to graduate school and started working as a programmer at Apple in August 1979.

我对 Apple II 非常感兴趣,因此决定去制造它的公司工作。 1979 年 8 月,我不再读研究生,开始在苹果公司担任程序员。

The Apple II was a very smart and well-made computer. But what made it special was the way it was created. Steve Wozniak, one of the people who made it, wanted to make something cool for himself and his friends. Most of the people who worked at Apple at the time were the kind of people who would buy a computer like the Apple II. When the Apple II came out, it was like a work of art. It made people happy and fulfilled a dream that many people had. Because of this, many other people who made software for the computer also came up with new and creative ideas.

Apple II 是一款非常智能且制造精良的计算机。但它的特别之处在于它的创建方式。史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)是这款产品的制作者之一,他想为自己和他的朋友们制作一些很酷的东西。
当时在苹果公司工作的大多数人都是那种会购买像Apple II这样的电脑的人。当Apple II问世时,它就像一件艺术品。

The computer industry started growing fast when big companies saw how important personal computers were. Apple’s sales went up very quickly when the Apple II became well-known and widely used. By the 1980s, many people came to Apple and the computer industry who only cared about making a lot of money. I started to lose interest in Apple when they hired many bosses who didn’t understand what made the Apple II special. Some of them would have been happy selling anything, even refrigerators. I might have left Apple in 1981 if I hadn’t found a small, hand-wired computer circuit board made by a young technician named Burrell Smith.

当大公司看到个人电脑的重要性时,计算机行业开始快速发展。当Apple II变得众所周知并被广泛使用时,苹果的销量迅速上升。
到了 20 世纪 80 年代,许多人来到苹果和计算机行业,只关心赚很多钱。当苹果雇佣了很多不明白 Apple II 为何如此特别的老板时,我开始对苹果失去了兴趣。
他们中的一些人会很乐意出售任何东西,甚至是冰箱。如果我没有找到由一位名叫伯勒尔·史密斯 (Burrell Smith) 的年轻技术人员制作的小型手工接线计算机电路板,我可能会在 1981 年离开苹果公司。

Burrell liked Woz’s design for the Apple II very much. He created his own unique design style, which was even more unusual than Woz’s. He used clever tricks to make the computer do many things with as few parts as possible. When I saw Burrell’s first Macintosh computer board, I felt the same excitement and creativity that I felt when I saw the Apple II. As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to work on the Macintosh project.

Burrell 非常喜欢 Woz 为 Apple II 所做的设计。他创造了自己独特的设计风格,甚至比沃兹的设计风格更不寻常。他使用巧妙的技巧让计算机用尽可能少的部件完成许多事情。
当我看到 Burrell 的第一块 Macintosh 电脑板时,我感受到了与看到 Apple II 时同样的兴奋和创造力。我一看到它,就知道我想参与 Macintosh 项目。

Steve Jobs really liked Burrell’s idea for a circuit board. He took over the small design team and moved it to a separate part of the company. He shared a big dream with us. The Apple II was a good computer, but it was still too difficult for most people to use. The Macintosh would use a special microprocessor to make a computer that was both easy to use and affordable. We thought we could make a computer that would help regular people and change the world.

史蒂夫·乔布斯非常喜欢伯勒尔的电路板想法。他接管了这个小型设计团队,并将其转移到公司的一个独立部分。他与我们分享了一个伟大的梦想。 Apple II 是一台很好的计算机,但对于大多数人来说仍然太难使用。

The team that designed Macintosh computers took inspiration from the original design by Steve Wozniak. They wanted to make something new and exciting, just like Woz wanted. Apple was a big company by then, but Steve Jobs still had the power to make decisions and keep the Macintosh team focused on its original goals. The Macintosh computer was released in January 1984 and became very popular.

那时苹果已经是一家大公司了,但史蒂夫·乔布斯仍然有权做出决定并让麦金塔团队专注于最初的目标。 Macintosh 计算机于 1984 年 1 月发布并变得非常流行。

The computer industry has grown a lot since Apple first made the Macintosh computer. Apple is now a very big company, worth four billion dollars. I worry that they have forgotten what matters most to them. I had similar worries before I helped create the Macintosh. I’m sure there are small groups at Apple today that are inspired by the Macintosh in the same way we were inspired by the Apple II. Apple’s leaders need to let these groups be creative and make their own decisions, without being held back by the usual problems that come with big companies. I hope to buy a new Apple computer in 1991 that is completely new and different, and still has the same adventurous spirit as their old computers.

我确信今天苹果公司有一些小团体受到了 Macintosh 的启发,就像我们受到 Apple II 的启发一样。苹果的领导者需要让这些群体发挥创造力并做出自己的决定,而不会被大公司常见的问题所阻碍。