1984 1984年

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年9月 人物: 瑞吉斯·麦肯纳、史蒂夫·海登、迈克·默里、史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、迈克·马库拉、伯勒尔·史密斯、安迪·赫兹菲尔德、李·克劳、杰伊·切特、布伦特·托马斯 主题: 营销、发布 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 1984 年著名的广告差点被取消 , 1984年 1984

From the very start, Apple was good at promoting itself. Mike Markkula thought that a new company should act like a big, successful company, even if it didn’t feel that way inside. Steve Jobs wanted everything Apple did to be of high quality, even when they were still working from a garage. For example, Apple’s Apple II computer was featured in a big, two-page ad in a science magazine called Scientific American in 1977. This was even though Apple didn’t have many employees or make much money at the time.

从一开始,苹果就善于宣传自己。迈克·马库拉 (Mike Markkula) 认为,一家新公司应该表现得像一家成功的大公司,即使它的内部感觉并非如此。史蒂夫·乔布斯希望苹果所做的一切都是高质量的,即使他们还在车库里工作。例如,1977 年,苹果公司的 Apple II 计算机出现在一本名为《科学美国人》的科学杂志上的两页大广告中。尽管当时苹果公司没有多少员工,也没有赚多少钱。

A long time ago, a company called Chiat-Day was in charge of advertising for Apple. The founder of Chiat-Day, Jay Chiat, was a very creative and bold person. When he met Steve Jobs in 1981, they became good friends because they had similar ideas and personalities. Jay Chiat and his team created Apple’s first TV commercials. They worked with a famous TV host named Dick Cavett to help advertise Apple’s products. They even made a commercial for Apple’s Lisa computer, starring a young actor named Kevin Costner. Jay Chiat and his team did an excellent job and helped Apple become well-known.

很久以前,一家叫Chiat-Day的公司负责苹果公司的广告业务。 Chiat-Day的创始人Jay Chiat是一个非常有创意和大胆的人。 1981年,当他遇到史蒂夫·乔布斯时,他们因为有着相似的想法和性格而成为了好朋友。
Jay Chiat 和他的团队制作了苹果公司的第一个电视广告。他们与著名电视主持人迪克·卡维特合作,帮助宣传苹果产品。他们甚至为苹果公司的丽莎电脑制作了一个广告,由年轻演员凯文·科斯特纳主演。
Jay Chiat 和他的团队做得非常出色,帮助苹果变得家喻户晓。

In late 1982, two people named Brent Thomas and Steve Hayden had an idea for an advertisement. They wanted to use the phrase “Why 1984 won’t be like 1984” as the slogan. They showed their idea to several companies, including Apple. They wanted to use it for an ad about the Apple II, which would run in the Wall Street Journal. But Apple didn’t like the idea, so they put it away. Later, in the spring of 1983, Brent and Steve met with the team that was in charge of promoting a new computer called the Mac. The Mac was going to be launched in January 1984.

1982 年底,两个名叫布伦特·托马斯 (Brent Thomas) 和史蒂夫·海登 (Steve Hayden) 的人想到了一个广告创意。他们想用“为什么1984年不会像1984年”这句话作为口号。他们向包括苹果在内的多家公司展示了他们的想法。他们想将其用于有关 Apple II 的广告,该广告将在《华尔街日报》上刊登。但苹果不喜欢这个想法,所以他们把它搁置了。
后来,在 1983 年春天,布伦特和史蒂夫会见了负责推广一款名为 Mac 的新计算机的团队。 Mac 将于 1984 年 1 月推出。

Steve Jobs wanted to make a special ad for the Macintosh computer that would be as exciting as the computer itself. He liked a phrase suggested for the ad that was inspired by George Orwell’s book “1984”. He told the people at Chiat-Day to work on it further. Steve Hayden and Brent Thomas created a plan for the ad, which would be a visually striking and symbolic mini-movie about a young athlete who frees people from being controlled by a powerful government. In the ad, the athlete throws a hammer to smash a big screen showing a picture of a symbol of the government, like something from a science fiction movie.

史蒂夫·乔布斯想为麦金塔电脑制作一则特别的广告,让它像电脑本身一样令人兴奋。他喜欢为广告建议的一个短语,该短语的灵感来自乔治·奥威尔的书《1984》。他告诉 Chiat-Day 的人们要进一步努力。史蒂夫·海登和布伦特·托马斯为这则广告制定了一个计划,这将是一部视觉上引人注目且具有象征意义的迷你电影,讲述一位年轻运动员将人们从强大政府的控制中解放出来的故事。在广告中,运动员扔出锤子砸碎大屏幕,屏幕上显示着政府象征的图片,就像科幻电影中的场景一样。

Mike Murray, the person in charge of marketing Macintosh, and Steve Jobs liked a special project. They needed to get permission from the new boss, John Sculley, because it cost a lot of money. Sculley was a little worried, but he agreed to let them spend over three-quarters of a million dollars to make a one-minute commercial.

Macintosh 营销负责人迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 和史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 喜欢一个特殊的项目。他们需要得到新老板约翰·斯卡利的许可,因为这要花很多钱。斯卡利有点担心,但他同意让他们花费四分之三百万美元来制作一分钟的广告。

Chiat-Day, a company that makes advertisements, wanted a director with experience in science fiction. They chose Ridley Scott, who had directed a movie called Blade Runner. This movie had a very good, dystopian feel (meaning the future was shown as very bad) that Chiat-Day wanted for their commercial. Ridley Scott was based in London, so that’s where they shot the commercial. Some important people from Apple and Chiat-Day, including Mike Murray and Steve Jobs, went to London to help with the filming for one week.

Chiat-Day是一家制作广告的公司,想要一位有科幻小说经验的导演。他们选择了曾执导过《银翼杀手》电影的雷德利·斯科特。这部电影有一种非常好的反乌托邦感觉(意味着未来被表现得非常糟糕),这正是 Chiat-Day 想要的广告。雷德利·斯科特的总部设在伦敦,所以他们在那里拍摄了广告。苹果和 Chiat-Day 的一些重要人物,包括迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 和史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs),专门前往伦敦协助拍摄一周。

When the people from Apple arrived, Ridley’s team had already found almost 200 actors. To play the sad-looking bald-headed workers, they found many real British skinheads and paid them $125 a day to help. It was harder to find a girl to play the main character because most of the models who tried out couldn’t hit the target with the heavy hammer. Luckily, a girl named Anya Major was very good at throwing a disc and could do it perfectly, so she got the part.

当苹果公司的人到达时,雷德利的团队已经找到了近200名演员。为了扮演那些看上去悲伤的光头工人,他们找到了许多真正的英国光头党,并每天付给他们 125 美元的帮助。找到一个女孩来扮演主角更加困难,因为大多数尝试的模特都无法用重锤击中目标。幸运的是,一个名叫安雅·梅杰(Anya Major)的女孩非常擅长扔飞碟,并且能完美地完成,所以她得到了这个角色。

When Mike Murray arrived at the studio, he looked for Jay Chiat. Jay was supposed to be there already, but Mike couldn’t find him. After a little search, Mike saw Jay hiding behind some scenery. Jay was hiding because some of the skinhead extras were in a bad mood and looking for trouble when the cameras weren’t rolling. Jay thought it was a good idea to stay out of their way to avoid trouble.

当迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 到达工作室时,他寻找杰伊·切特 (Jay Chiat)。杰伊应该已经在那里了,但迈克找不到他。经过一番搜寻,迈克看到杰伊躲在一些风景后面。杰之所以躲起来,是因为一些光头党群众演员心情不好,在镜头不开的时候想找麻烦。杰伊认为最好远离他们以避免麻烦。

After filming started in London, I got a phone call from someone at an advertising company called Chiat-Day. They asked me to write a computer program for Apple II Basic. They wanted the program to show big numbers and graphs on the screen, and combine these with the image of Big Brother. I spent some time writing the program and sent it to them. I’m not sure if they actually used it or not.

在伦敦开始拍摄后,我接到了一家名为 Chiat-Day 的广告公司的人打来的电话。他们要求我为 Apple II Basic 编写一个计算机程序。他们希望程序能够在屏幕上显示大量的数字和图表,并将它们与老大哥的形象结合起来。我花了一些时间编写程序并将其发送给他们。我不确定他们是否真的使用过它。

Lee Clow and Steve Hayden showed a nearly finished version of the commercial to the Apple team a few weeks later. Everyone loved it! The commercial was very classy, exciting, and mysterious, and it would probably get a lot of people’s attention. The commercial was shown publicly for the first time at Apple’s big sales meeting in Hawaii in October. Before showing the commercial, Steve did a funny rap to make Apple sound like the only good choice compared to IBM. The crowd went wild, just like the commercial itself. People loved it so much that Apple paid over a million dollars to show it on TV during the Super Bowl, just two days before they introduced the Mac computer. They even got two special time slots, one for 60 seconds and one for 30 seconds!

该广告在 10 月份于夏威夷举行的苹果大型销售会议上首次公开播放。在播放广告之前,史蒂夫做了一段有趣的说唱,让苹果听起来像是与 IBM 相比唯一不错的选择。就像广告本身一样,人群变得疯狂。人们非常喜欢它,以至于苹果公司在超级碗比赛期间花费了超过一百万美元在电视上展示它,就在他们推出 Mac 电脑的前两天。他们甚至还有两个特殊的时间段,一个是60秒,一个是30秒!

Mike Murray and Steve Jobs showed the Apple commercial to the company’s leaders in December, to get permission to spend a lot of money to show it during the Super Bowl. But to their surprise, all the leaders who weren’t part of Apple strongly disliked the commercial. One of the leaders even said it was the worst commercial he had ever seen. Mike and Steve were very upset.

迈克·穆雷 (Mike Murray) 和史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 在 12 月向公司领导层展示了苹果公司的广告,以获得在超级碗期间花费大量资金播放的许可。但令他们惊讶的是,所有不属于苹果公司的领导人都强烈不喜欢这个广告。一位领导人甚至表示这是他见过的最糟糕的广告。迈克和史蒂夫非常沮丧。

The board of Apple was very disappointing with what they got from a company called Chiat-Day, so John Sculley asked them to give back the time spots they bought. But Jay Chiat, the boss of Chiat-Day, did what he usually does, and only gave back one of the spots. He told Apple that he couldn’t sell the longer one anymore because it was too late. Apple thought about making a different kind of commercial for that spot, but they decided to take a risk and use it for the 1984 commercial instead.

苹果公司董事会对他们从一家名为 Chiat-Day 的公司得到的东西感到非常失望,因此约翰·斯卡利 (John Sculley) 要求他们归还购买的时间段。但Chiat-Day的老板Jay Chiat却一如往常,只退了一个名额。他告诉苹果公司,他不能再出售更长的那一款了,因为为时已晚。苹果曾考虑为该广告制作不同类型的广告,但他们决定冒险将其用于 1984 年的广告中。

We were told that the TV commercial would start playing early in the third period of the Super Bowl game. We wanted to see how real people would react to the commercial, because we had already seen it many times. So, we went to a sports bar near Stanford with some other friends from the Mac team. The game was not very exciting, but the bar was very crowded. When the commercial came on, it looked good. We thought we heard some people whispering, but it was hard to tell if they were really impressed.

我们被告知电视广告将在超级碗比赛的第三节早些时候开始播放。我们想看看真实的人们对广告有何反应,因为我们已经看过很多次了。于是,我们和 Mac 团队的其他一些朋友去了斯坦福附近的一家体育酒吧。比赛不是很精彩,但是酒吧里却很拥挤。当广告出现时,看起来不错。我们以为我们听到了一些人的窃窃私语,但很难判断他们是否真的印象深刻。

That evening, we were surprised to see a commercial on the news again. Many people were very impressed by the commercial, and because it was only meant to show once, it became a big story in itself. It also made people look forward to the new product coming out. We saw the commercial on the news many times in the next few days. Apple got a lot of free promotion because of this, worth over $5 million.


One week after the Macintosh computer was first sold, Apple had a special meeting. The team in charge of the Macintosh was invited to the meeting, but they weren’t sure what would happen. When they walked into the room, everyone on the special board of Apple got up and applauded them, saying they were wrong about the Macintosh and congratulating the team for doing a great job launching it.


The company Chiat-Day wanted to make a commercial that would get awards, so they showed it once on a small TV station in Idaho, called KMVT, at 1 AM on December 15, 1983. And guess what? It won almost all the awards it was possible to win, even including the best commercial of the decade! Twenty years later, people still remember it as one of the most famous TV commercials ever made.

Chiat-Day 公司想要制作一个能够获奖的广告,因此他们于 1983 年 12 月 15 日凌晨 1 点在爱达荷州一家名为 KMVT 的小电视台播放了一次。你猜怎么着?它几乎赢得了所有可能赢得的奖项,甚至包括十年来最佳广告奖!二十年后,人们仍然记得它是有史以来最著名的电视广告之一。