Bicycle 自行车

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年4月 人物: 罗德·霍尔特、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金 主题: 管理,苹果精神 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 罗德想更改项目名称

Jef Raskin chose the name “Macintosh” after his favorite kind of apple. But when Jef had to take a long break from work in February 1981, Steve Jobs and Rod Holt decided to change the name of the project. They gave it a new name to separate it from Jef’s influence. They thought “Macintosh” was just a temporary name, and they didn’t want people to get too upset about the change.

杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin) 根据他最喜欢的苹果品种选择了“Macintosh”这个名字。
但 1981 年 2 月,当杰夫不得不长时间休假时,史蒂夫·乔布斯和罗德·霍尔特决定更改该项目的名称。

Apple just put a big advertisement in a science magazine. The ad had quotes from Steve Jobs talking about how great personal computers are. Steve Jobs said that humans are not as fast as other animals, but when we use bikes, we can still be faster than them. He said that personal computers are like bikes, but for our minds.

该广告引用了史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 的言论,谈论个人电脑有多么出色。

About a month after Jef left, Rod told the small design team that the new secret name for the project was “Bicycle”. He also told us to change all mentions of “Macintosh” to “Bicycle”. When we didn’t like the name “Bicycle”, thinking it was funny and silly, Rod said it didn’t matter what we thought because it was just a secret name.


Rod told the team to call something “Bicycle”, but nobody listened. The word “Macintosh” felt more natural to the team, so they kept using it. Even Rod himself hardly ever said “Bicycle” out loud. For a little while, Rod would scold the team when they called it “Macintosh”, but it didn’t work. After a month, Rod got tired of arguing and said, “You can just call it Macintosh, it doesn’t matter to me. It was just a temporary name anyway.”


Apple had a secret name for a computer, but it was hard to come up with a good one. In 1982, Apple paid a company to help them come up with some names. They came up with many ideas, like calling the computer “Apple 40” or “Apple Allegro”. After thinking about all the suggestions, Apple’s leaders decided to use the names Lisa and Macintosh. They could come up with a meaning for Lisa, “Local Integrated Systems Architecture”, but inside the company, people joked that it was a silly acronym. Macintosh didn’t have a meaning that they could easily figure out, so it was “acronym-proof”.

苹果公司给一台电脑起了一个秘密的名字,但很难想出一个好的名字。 1982 年,苹果公司付费给一家公司帮助他们想出一些名字。
他们提出了很多想法,例如将计算机称为“Apple 40”或“Apple Allegro”。
在考虑了所有建议后,苹果公司的领导层决定使用 Lisa 和 Macintosh 这两个名字。
他们可以为 Lisa 想出一个含义,即“本地集成系统架构”,但在公司内部,人们开玩笑说这是一个愚蠢的缩写词。
Macintosh 没有他们可以轻易理解的含义,因此它是“缩写证明”。

There was one more problem to solve. The name was too similar to a name already owned by a company that makes stereo equipment. I’m not sure how it was fixed, but I think Apple paid them a small amount of money. At the end of a meeting in January 1983, Steve told the team that we could finally use the name. He broke a bottle of champagne over one of the computer prototypes and said, “I name this Macintosh!”

1983 年 1 月的一次会议结束时,史蒂夫告诉团队我们终于可以使用这个名字了。