Creative Think 创意思维

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年7月 人物: 艾伦·凯、比尔·巴奇 主题: 灵感 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 艾伦·凯 (Alan Kay) 的研讨会 , 创意思维 Creative Think

In July 1982, I was working on a part of the Macintosh computer system. My friend Bill invited me to a big meeting for people who work in computers called “Creative Think”. It was organized by a man named Roger van Oech, who wrote a book about being creative. I don’t usually like going to meetings about creativity or industry events, but Bill got free tickets and I went mainly to see him.

1982 年 7 月,我正在研究 Macintosh 计算机系统的一部分。我的朋友比尔邀请我参加一个名为“创造性思考”的大型计算机工作人员会议。
它是由一位名叫罗杰·范·奥赫(Roger van Oech)的人组织的,他写了一本关于创造力的书。我通常不喜欢参加有关创意或行业活动的会议,但比尔得到了免费门票,我主要是去看他。

Alan Kay gave a very interesting talk about new technology for making computer chips. Some older people in the computer industry shared funny stories about their hard times, but the last talk of the day was the one that really interested me. This was given by Alan Kay, a very important person who invented two important computer systems - Smalltalk and Alto. He is also the one who helped make Xerox PARC, a very important place for computer research. I had read about Alan before and was inspired by something he wrote in a magazine called Scientific American. However, this was the first time I saw him in person.

艾伦·凯 (Alan Kay) 就制造计算机芯片的新技术进行了非常有趣的演讲。一些计算机行业的老前辈分享了他们艰难时期的有趣故事,但今天的最后一个演讲才是真正让我感兴趣的。
这是艾伦·凯 (Alan Kay) 提出的,他是一位非常重要的人物,他发明了两个重要的计算机系统——Smalltalk 和 Alto。他也是施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox PARC)的创建者,这是计算机研究的一个非常重要的场所。

Alan gave a very good speech. It was one of the most inspiring talks I have ever been to. I got more and more excited as he said many clever and thoughtful things. I took out my notebook to write down as much as I could. Alan was saying the important things behind the work I was doing, even though he didn’t know it. He was saying it in a way that made sense to me. After I got back to my office in Cupertino, I wrote it all down on one piece of paper and sent it to the rest of the team.


I still have those notes, so I thought it would be nice to share them here. I want to show how those ideas helped shape our work.


Alan Kay’s Talk: On July 20, 1982, Alan Kay gave a talk at a seminar called Creative Think. Here is a summary of his talk: Metaphors: Alan Kay talked about how metaphors can help us understand new ideas. He showed that using metaphors from our everyday lives can make complex concepts simpler to grasp. Magnetic Fields: Kay discussed how ideas and innovations can spread and affect others, much like magnetic fields affect metal objects. He suggested that we should look for and learn from these “magnetic fields” in our own work and lives. Snobbery: Alan Kay criticized the tendency to look down on new ideas or people who are not like us. He emphasized the importance of being open-minded and considering different perspectives. Slogans: Kay discussed how powerful and misleading slogans can be. He warned against using catchphrases or clichés to promote ideas, as they can be misleading or obscure the real meaning. I tried to keep the main ideas and examples from the original text, while explaining them in simpler language. Let me know if you’d like me to make any further adjustments!

1982 年 7 月 20 日,艾伦·凯 (Alan Kay) 在一个名为“创造性思维”的研讨会上发表了演讲。以下是他的演讲摘要:

The best way to know what will happen in the future is to create what will happen.


People like to imagine and share: Imagining things can make us feel like we are in a simpler and more controlled world.


Sharing is important because we all like to share information. However, most of us have a problem: we can easily receive a lot of information, but it’s hard to give out as much. On the other hand, our devices (like phones and computers) can easily share information, but it’s hard for them to receive it.


Computer as medium (like clay or paint) “Just as artists shape and mold clay or paint to create something new, a computer is a tool that allows us to shape and create digital things. We can mold code and design to build a project, just like an artist molds clay to create a sculpture.” Computer as vehicle “Think of a computer as a car that takes us to new places. We can program it to take us on a journey to explore the internet, play games, or communicate with others. It’s a tool that helps us travel through the digital world.” Computer as musical instrument “A computer can be thought of as a musical instrument. Just as a musician uses a guitar or piano to create music, we can use a computer to ‘play’ with code and create digital music, art, or stories. We can ‘compose’ our own digital creations, just like a musician composes music.” Let me know if you have any further requests!

“将计算机想象成一辆带我们去新地方的汽车。我们可以对其进行编程,带我们踏上探索互联网、玩游戏或与他人交流的旅程。它是帮助我们穿越数字世界的工具。 ”
“计算机可以被认为是一种乐器。就像音乐家使用吉他或钢琴创作音乐一样,我们可以使用计算机‘演奏’代码并创作数字音乐、艺术或故事。我们可以‘创作’ ’我们自己的数字创作,就像音乐家创作音乐一样。”

Magnetic Fields: Find a simple and fun idea that all the design elements can connect to. This idea should be clear and easy to understand. It should be so good that it’s like having a magnet, drawing everything towards it and making it all work together seamlessly. This means that once you have this idea, you won’t need to have many meetings to discuss the design, it will design itself.


Smalltalk is a way of writing computer programs that focuses on objects. But, it would be better if it focused on sending messages instead.

Smalltalk 是一种编写专注于对象的计算机程序的方法。但是,如果它专注于发送消息,那就更好了。

Don’t appreciate good suggestions. You should focus on amazing ideas, not just okay ones.


Value the ordinary things: remember, a pencil is a high-tech achievement. (Note: I rewrote the text to make it simple and easy to understand without losing its original meaning. Let me know if you have any further requests!)


One goal: The computer vanishes into the background.


The computer should not think it is always right and know it all.


The idea of a “programming language” is misguided.

  1. “Perfect is sometimes worse than good enough”
  2. “We can’t compare art, it’s all personal”
  3. “Some programmers think they’re very special”
  4. “Your perspective is more valuable than any test score”
  5. “Creative ideas don’t always work well when shared” Let me know if you’d like me to explain or expand on any of these rewrites!

What I mean is that any idea can be turned into a program, it’s just a matter of when you make it happen.


If you want to make really good software, you should also create the hardware it will run on.


“Last piece of advice: make sure what you create is valuable and engaging, not just how it looks. Have fun!”
