Folon 福隆

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年5月 人物: 福伦、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、史蒂夫·乔布斯、苏珊·卡雷 主题: MacPaint, 名人 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Jean-Michel Folon 的早期 Mac 艺术作品 , 福隆 Folon

In 1982, Steve Jobs had an unusual idea. He suggested creating a secret cartoon character called “Mr. Macintosh”. This character would hide in the computer’s software, popping up occasionally to surprise the user.

1982 年,史蒂夫·乔布斯有了一个不寻常的想法。他建议创建一个秘密卡通人物,名为“麦金塔先生”。这个角色会隐藏在计算机的软件中,偶尔会弹出来给用户带来惊喜。

The software team was very busy, so we decided to delay working on Mr. Macintosh for a bit. Later, Steve met a Belgian artist named Jean-Michel Folon who made funny and clever art. Steve thought Folon’s style would be great for Mr. Macintosh. He invited Folon to come to Cupertino to show his work and to possibly create something for Mr. Macintosh.

软件团队非常忙碌,因此我们决定暂时推迟 Macintosh 先生的开发工作。后来,史蒂夫遇到了一位名叫让·米歇尔·福隆(Jean-Michel Folon)的比利时艺术家,他创作了有趣而巧妙的艺术。史蒂夫认为福伦的风格非常适合麦金塔先生。他邀请福伦来库比蒂诺展示他的作品,并可能为麦金塔先生创造一些东西。

We were very excited to show our Mac computer to a famous artist like Folon. We were also curious to see how he would react to it. In the summer of 1982, our drawing program called MacPaint was still being thought of by Bill Atkinson. But we already had a simple drawing program called MacSketch that we could show people. This program went on Lisa computers and allowed users to draw lines with the mouse and fill them in with patterns.

我们非常高兴能够向像 Folon 这样的著名艺术家展示我们的 Mac 电脑。我们也很好奇他对此有何反应。 1982 年夏天,比尔·阿特金森 (Bill Atkinson) 仍在考虑我们名为 MacPaint 的绘图程序。但我们已经有了一个名为 MacSketch 的简单绘图程序,可以向人们展示。该程序运行在 Lisa 计算机上,允许用户用鼠标画线并用图案填充它们。

Folon seemed very interested in the Macintosh computer. After we showed him a drawing program called MacSketch, he couldn’t help but want to take the mouse himself. He played with it for a bit and soon found a pen size he liked. He then cleared the screen and started drawing with his own special style. He quickly drew a picture of a man holding a huge Apple in his hand, with a big bite taken out of it in the same place where the Apple logo is. The man’s mouth was wide open, just like the bite on the apple.

福伦似乎对麦金塔电脑非常感兴趣。当我们向他展示了一个名为 MacSketch 的绘图程序后,他忍不住想自己拿走鼠标。他把玩了一下,很快就找到了他喜欢的钢笔尺寸。然后他清空屏幕,开始用自己独特的风格画画。

Our first idea was really good and deserved to be saved. But we hadn’t yet made a “Save” button for MacSketch. Luckily, we had a basic “Print” button, so we could print it out. I folded a copy, kept it in my wallet, and sometimes used it to show what the Mac could do. Apple liked it so much that they gave a designer named Folon a special job to make a design for Mr. Macintosh and other advertising materials.

我们的第一个想法非常好,值得保留。但我们还没有为 MacSketch 制作“保存”按钮。幸运的是,我们有一个基本的“打印”按钮,因此我们可以将其打印出来。我折叠了一份副本,把它放在钱包里,有时用它来展示 Mac 的功能。苹果公司非常喜欢它,因此他们给了一位名叫 Folon 的设计师一份特殊的工作,为 Macintosh 先生和其他广告材料进行设计。

About a year later, in the spring of 1983, Folon went back to Cupertino to visit the Mac team again. He showed us some drawings he had made for Steve Jobs and other things he was working on. He used colored pencils to draw them. I remembered a drawing he did the previous year, so I took it out of my wallet and asked him to sign it.

大约一年后,即 1983 年春天,福隆再次回到库比蒂诺拜访 Mac 团队。他向我们展示了他为史蒂夫·乔布斯制作的一些图纸以及他正在做的其他事情。他用彩色铅笔画它们。我记得他去年画的一张画,就从钱包里拿出来请他签名。

Jean-Michel was being very helpful, but I was surprised when he took out his colorful pencils and started coloring some parts of the picture. He made the stem of the apple red and the man’s chin blue. I was very surprised when he wrote “Andy” on the man’s forehead. After that, he signed his name at the bottom, saying “Hello Andy, Folon”.


We had almost given up on our plan to use Mr. Macintosh because of a lack of space on the computer, not having enough time to develop, and the limited amount of information that could be stored. However, we still used some of Folon’s drawings on buttons that we gave away at trade shows, and also put a small picture of Mr. Macintosh on the first computer circuit board. Steve Jobs, who was still friends with Folon, went to visit him in Paris a year later during the big Macintosh launch, instead of going to a big conference for computer developers in France like he was supposed to.

由于计算机空间不足、没有足够的时间进行开发以及可存储的信息量有限,我们几乎放弃了使用 Mr. Macintosh 的计划。然而,我们仍然在贸易展览会上赠送的按钮上使用了 Folon 的一些图画,还在第一块计算机电路板上放了一张 Macintosh 先生的小照片。史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)仍然是弗隆的朋友,一年后,在麦金塔电脑发布会期间,他去巴黎拜访了他,而不是像他原本应该去的那样去法国参加一个大型计算机开发人员会议。

I kept a changed drawing in my wallet for a while. But my friend Susan Kare got tired of me creasing it so much, so she put it in a small glass frame. This helped keep it safe. Unfortunately, the frame broke and I lost the drawing. I couldn’t find it when I was preparing my book in 2004. But it recently showed up, and I’m glad I can share it now. If you look closely, you can still see the delicate colors drawn by Folon, even though it’s been over 30 years.

我把一张换过的图放在钱包里有一段时间了。但我的朋友苏珊·卡雷(Susan Kare)厌倦了我把它折得太多,所以她把它放在一个小玻璃框里。这有助于保证其安全。不幸的是,画框坏了,我把画丢了。 2004 年我准备书时找不到它。但最近它出现了,我很高兴现在可以分享它。仔细观察,即使已经过去了30多年,仍然可以看到福伦绘制的细腻色彩。

