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作者: 布鲁斯·霍恩 日期: 1981年9月 人物: 艾伦·凯、史蒂夫·乔布斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、约翰·沃诺克、拉里·特斯勒、杰里·马诺克、罗德·霍尔特 主题: 现实扭曲、苹果精神、招募 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 现实扭曲场改变了布鲁斯对在苹果工作的想法 , 加入 Mac 组 Joining the Mac Group

In the spring of 1981, I was 21 years old and about to finish my studies at Stanford University. I had been working at Xerox PARC for nearly 8 years, usually part-time, but sometimes full-time during summer breaks. The people at PARC are highly respected, and I felt very fortunate to work with them. It was an amazing learning experience, and I got to work on many interesting projects over the years.

我在 Xerox PARC 工作了近 8 年,通常是兼职,但有时在暑假期间全职工作。
PARC 的员工受到高度尊重,与他们共事我感到非常幸运。

My most recent project was called the NoteTaker. It was a small, portable computer that had a touch screen, a mouse, a keyboard, and could play stereo sound. It used two processors: one for handling input and output, and another for running programs written in a special language called Smalltalk. My job was to help write the code for the interpreter that runs Smalltalk programs, to write code for the input and output processor, and to make sure the earliest versions of the NoteTaker worked well enough to be shown to company leaders. The hardware for the NoteTaker was designed by Doug Fairbairn, a very skilled person who is good at designing computer chips and hardware. He had just left the company to start a new one called VLSI Technology Inc., or VTI.

我最近的项目称为 NoteTaker。这是一台小型便携式计算机,有触摸屏、鼠标、键盘,可以播放立体声。
它使用两个处理器:一个用于处理输入和输出,另一个用于运行用一种称为 Smalltalk 的特殊语言编写的程序。
我的工作是帮助为运行 Smalltalk 程序的解释器编写代码,为输入和输出处理器编写代码,并确保 NoteTaker 的最早版本运行良好,足以向公司领导展示。
NoteTaker的硬件由Doug Fairbairn设计,他是一位非常擅长设计计算机芯片和硬件的人。
他刚刚离开公司,创办了一家名为 VLSI Technology Inc.(简称 VTI)的新公司。

I worked closely with Larry Tesler on a project. Larry was an amazing person. He invented a way to edit text without modes, like in his Gypsy editor. He even wore a t-shirt that said “Don’t Stop Me” around the lab. Larry was also known for creating software that showed animated pictures on cards during Stanford football games. One evening, Larry and I went to a pizza place in Palo Alto to eat. While we were waiting for our pizza, Larry told me, “I’m thinking of leaving my job at PARC.”

他甚至在实验室里穿着一件印有“Don't Stop Me”的T恤。

“Really? You’re leaving PARC?” I was really surprised. PARC was a special place for computer science; I used to say (kind of laughing) that most of the best computer scientists in the world were there. I could just walk down the hall and visit famous people like Alan Kay, who made a lot of new user interface ideas; Chuck Geschke and John Warnock, who later started Adobe; and Ed McCreight, who invented something important. And they always had time to talk to me, even though I was a shy and awkward teenager. PARC was full of the smartest and most creative people on the planet. Why would anyone want to leave?”

“真的吗?你要离开帕洛阿尔托研究中心?”我真的很惊讶。 PARC 是计算机科学的一个特殊场所;
Chuck Geschke 和 John Warnock,后来创办了 Adob​​e;还有埃德·麦克雷特,他发明了一些重要的东西。
PARC 充满了地球上最聪明、最有创造力的人。为什么有人想离开?”

Larry said he was ready for a new challenge and wanted to bring some new ideas to life. I asked if he had considered Apple. We had met with Apple recently and showed their boss, Steve Jobs, a new computer program. Although Larry didn’t respond right away, it turned out he had already been talking to Apple about a job and was going to join their team that was working on a new computer called Lisa.

拉里表示,他已准备好迎接新的挑战,并希望将一些新想法变为现实。我问他是否考虑过苹果。我们最近会见了苹果公司,并向他们的老板史蒂夫·乔布斯展示了一个新的计算机程序。尽管拉里没有立即回复,但事实证明他已经在与苹果公司讨论一份工作,并将加入他们的团队,该团队正在开发一款名为 Lisa 的新计算机。

After I finished school in the middle of 1981, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I had been working at PARC for a long time, and it was amazing. But maybe I should try something different. PARC was very advanced and had many things that other companies didn’t have, like special computers, software, and printers. If I got a “normal” job, it would probably be boring. I talked to my friends Adele and Rachel, who were smart and important at PARC. They told me that I should try something new or I might regret staying where I was comfortable.

1981 年中我完成学业后,我不确定自己想做什么。
PARC 非常先进,拥有许多其他公司没有的东西,比如专用计算机、软件和打印机。

I started talking to many different companies in the area, but most of them were not very interesting. Later, I remembered about two people named Larry Tesler and Doug Fairbairn who used to work at Apple and a company called VTI, respectively. So, I contacted them both.

后来我想起了两个人,一个叫Larry Tesler,一个叫Doug Fairbairn,他们曾经分别在Apple和一家叫VTI的公司工作。

Apple was interesting to me. Larry was working on the Lisa, but it didn’t seem appealing to me. One day, Larry thought I would be more suitable for the Mac team and introduced me to Andy Hertzfeld. Andy showed me some really impressive demos. I was so impressed that I thought the software was almost done and didn’t think I was needed. However, I was still very interested and thought about it.

有一天,Larry 认为我更适合 Mac 团队,并将我介绍给 Andy Hertzfeld。

I went to an interview at VTI. Everyone I met was very nice. I would be working with people I know and respect, and my boss, Doug, offered me a $15,000 bonus to start, which is a lot of money for someone who just graduated from college. I would be doing work on computer chip design, which is a new area for me, and it would be a fun challenge. So, I decided to take the job. This happened on Thursday.

我会和我认识和尊敬的人一起工作,我的老板 Doug 给了我 15,000 美元的起步奖金,这对于刚从大学毕业的人来说是一大笔钱。

One Friday evening, I received a phone call. “Hi, it’s Steve. What do you think about Apple?” It was Steve Jobs himself calling. “Hey Steve, I think Apple is great, but I’ve already accepted a job at VTI.”

一个星期五的晚上,我接到一个电话。 “嗨,我是史蒂夫。你觉得苹果怎么样?”是史蒂夫·乔布斯本人打来的电话。 “嘿,史蒂夫,我认为苹果很棒,但我已经接受了 VTI 的工作。”

“You did what? That’s not important right now. Just come to Apple tomorrow morning and we’ll show you many more things. Make sure to be there at 9am. I mean it, Steve.”

“你做了什么?现在这并不重要。明天早上来苹果吧,我们会向你展示更多的东西。确保早上 9 点到场。我是认真的,史蒂夫。”

Steve turned on his special persuasion technique to make people believe in his ideas. I met many people who worked on the Mac computer, including Andy, Rod, Jerry, and other software engineers. I saw many designs and ideas, listened to sales presentations, and met with Steve. It was too much to take in. (Note: The term “Reality Distortion Field” is a humorous reference to Steve Jobs’ ability to make people believe in his ideas and vision, even if they may not be entirely realistic or feasible. It is not a literal field that distorts reality, but rather a metaphorical description of his persuasive powers.)

史蒂夫运用他特殊的说服技巧让人们相信他的想法。我遇到了很多在 Mac 电脑上工作的人,包括 Andy、Rod、Jerry 和其他软件工程师。我看到了许多设计和想法,听了销售演示,并会见了史蒂夫。实在是太多了,难以接受。

On Monday, I phoned Doug Fairbairn at VTI and said that I have changed my mind.

周一,我给 VTI 的道格·费尔贝恩 (Doug Fairbairn) 打电话,说我改变了主意。

I was thinking about joining Apple, which is a company that makes computers. They wanted to use a special computer called Macintosh to make a difference in the world.

他们想使用一种名为 Macintosh 的特殊计算机来改变世界。