Leave Of Absence 缺勤

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年3月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、布莱恩·霍华德、巴德·特里布尔、艾伦·凯、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰罗姆·库南、比尔·阿特金森、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: 辞职、管理、丽莎竞争、性格冲突 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我不知道如何处理我的差评 , 缺勤 Leave Of Absence

I was surprised and upset when Bob Belleville gave me a bad review in February 1983. At that time, I really loved my job at Apple and was working very hard on the Macintosh, which I thought could make a big difference for good. But it seemed like Bob was against me, and I didn’t fully understand why.

1983 年 2 月,当鲍勃·贝尔维尔 (Bob Belleville) 给我一个差评时,我感到惊讶和沮丧。当时,我真的很喜欢我在苹果公司的工作,并且非常努力地开发 Macintosh,我认为这可以带来很大的改变。但鲍勃似乎反对我,而我并不完全明白为什么。

Jerome Coonen just became the new software manager, so I didn’t have to deal with Bob as much. Bob also seemed to want to stay away from me. When I first thought about it, I was really tempted to quit. But I knew the Macintosh was very important, so I wanted to stay until it was done, which would take at least six months. So, I decided to keep working hard and think about what I should do.

杰罗姆·库宁 (Jerome Coonen) 刚刚成为新的软件经理,因此我不必与鲍勃打交道。鲍勃似乎也想远离我。

Bob and I had big differences about how our team worked. I loved the Apple II computer and thought my job was special, like a calling rather than just a job. I was more excited about the computer than the team that was building it, and this made it hard for me to work with others. I was bossy and didn’t listen to others, and I didn’t appreciate the rules and guidelines that kept our team together.

鲍勃和我对于团队的工作方式存在很大分歧。我喜欢 Apple II 电脑,并认为我的工作很特别,就像一种召唤,而不仅仅是一份工作。

On the other hand, Bob Belleville thought his job was to help the Mac team by making our way of working more organized and predictable, like it was in other companies. He thought my way of not following rules and not respecting bosses was bad for the organization, and he didn’t agree with it. I think he wanted to warn me to change my way of working so it fit his idea of how the organization should be, but he was surprised that I got upset about it.

另一方面,Bob Belleville 认为他的工作是帮助 Mac 团队,让我们的工作方式更有组织性和可预测性,就像其他公司一样。

It seemed impossible to make peace with Bob because I never got a written review from him and he said he didn’t remember saying the bad things he said to me. Besides, I didn’t want to work for the kind of company he was trying to create. I decided I still wanted to work for Apple, but not for Bob or his team. I thought Apple would always need small teams and people like me to start new projects.


When a friend of mine, Bud Tribble, left the Mac team in 1981 to go back to school, I thought about leaving too. But Steve Jobs encouraged me to stay, saying he would help me deal with difficult managers. Later, when I tried to talk to him about the problem, he usually brushed it off or made me feel bad about it. Sometimes, he would give me a hint that he was going to fix the problem, but it never happened.

1981 年,当我的朋友 Bud Tribble 离开 Mac 团队返回学校时,我也考虑过离开。但史蒂夫·乔布斯鼓励我留下来,说他会帮助我应对难相处的经理。

As 1983 was ending, I was very busy finishing a big software project (see “Real Artists Ship”). After that, I was happy and excited to introduce our new product in January (see “The Times They Are A-Changin’”). By mid-February, things slowed down and I had to think about what I wanted to do at Apple in the future.

1983 年即将结束时,我正忙着完成一个大型软件项目(参见“Real Artists Ship”)。之后,我很高兴也很兴奋地在一月份推出我们的新产品(参见“时代正在改变”)。

My relationship with Bob Belleville got even worse after he yelled at us in a meeting in December 1983. This happened because I helped some of my friends, Burrell Smith and Brian Howard, by writing some special codes when they needed help with a special printer they were making. The whole software team was very tired and stressed because we had been working really hard to finish the printer’s software. Bob’s behavior made it hard for me to feel happy or excited about our work.

鲍勃·贝尔维尔 (Bob Belleville) 在 1983 年 12 月的一次会议上对我们大喊大叫后,我与他的关系变得更糟。发生这种情况是因为我帮助了我的一些朋友,伯勒尔·史密斯 (Burrell Smith) 和布莱恩·霍华德 (Brian Howard),当他们需要特殊打印机的帮助时,我写了一些特殊代码。正在制作。

In February, Apple decided to combine the teams that made Macintosh computers and Lisa computers. Before doing this, they let go of some of the Lisa team members, and put the people who worked on Macintosh computers in charge of the new team. Steve Jobs, the boss, had previously promised that the Macintosh team would always be small, with no more than 100 people. But now, after combining the teams, there would be over 300 people working together. This was much more than Steve had promised.

今年二月,苹果公司决定合并生产 Macintosh 电脑和 Lisa 电脑的团队。在此之前,他们解雇了一些 Lisa 团队成员,并让在 Macintosh 计算机上工作的人负责新团队。
老板史蒂夫·乔布斯此前曾承诺,Macintosh 团队将永远保持小型规模,不超过 100 人。但现在,合并后,已经有三百多人一起工作了。这比史蒂夫所承诺的要多得多。

Steve stood up in front of the Lisa team and made an announcement. He told them that the company was merging with another company and some people would be let go. He said the team did not do well and they were not the best. “So, today we are saying goodbye to some of our colleagues,” he said, sounding like Steve Jobs. “They will have the chance to work at our other companies in the valley.”

“所以,今天我们要向一些同事道别,”他说,听起来就像史蒂夫·乔布斯。 “他们将有机会在我们硅谷的其他公司工作。”

Someone had another idea - I could take a break from my job instead of quitting. This seemed like a better option to me because I would still be able to go to Apple and visit, and I would still have my employee badge and privileges. If things improved, I could easily go back to work. I decided to take a six-month break, starting on March 1st, 1984.

如果情况有所改善,我就可以轻松重返工作岗位。我决定从 1984 年 3 月 1 日开始休息六个月。

I told Steve Jobs about my plan to take a break from work. He said he was sorry to hear that, but he didn’t offer me a job that I would have liked. I suggested that we make a small team to work directly with him, since our department had grown very big. But he didn’t want that. The Macintosh computer was now being sold, and our division was very big. Steve thought he needed managers like Bob Belleville to manage the many employees, rather than creative people like me. He also said that he thought I would get bored soon and come back to work early.


Two days before I went on vacation, Steve brought a surprise visitor to our office. They came to my workstation and Steve introduced me to Alan Kay, a new employee at Apple. Alan Kay used to work at Atari and now works at Apple as a special helper. I considered Alan Kay one of my role models, so I was sadly disappointed to learn that I would not be able to work with him because I was leaving.

Alan Kay 曾在 Atari 工作,现在在 Apple 担任特助。我认为艾伦·凯是我的榜样之一,所以当我得知我要离开而无法与他一起工作时,我感到非常失望。

I had a special dinner at a nice restaurant called Maddalena’s on Emerson street. It’s near my home in Palo Alto. I was leaving my job at Apple and I was very sad about saying goodbye to my friends. I walked to the restaurant with my neighbor, Burrell Smith. I was worried that I might cry during dinner.

我在艾默生街一家名为 Maddalena's 的不错餐厅吃了一顿特别的晚餐。它靠近我在帕洛阿尔托的家。我即将辞去苹果公司的工作,与朋友们告别让我感到非常难过。我和邻居伯勒尔·史密斯一起走到餐厅。我担心我会在晚餐时哭泣。

Almost all the software team members came to the dinner party, including Steve Jobs. I was feeling a bit sad and confused as the fancy dinner was being served. After the dinner, people started giving speeches, saying nice things about me and how much they enjoyed working with me. I was trying to hold back my tears, but it was hard. Bill Atkinson said he didn’t know what I would be working on next, but he was sure he would be surprised. Steve Jobs said he would miss me and hoped I would come back soon from my break. But then he said something strange, talking about how easy it is to make me cry, like it was a good thing.


After dinner, I went home with Burrell. I was still feeling strange and didn’t want to think about my mixed emotions yet. The next morning, I woke up at my usual time and wanted to go to Apple as usual, but I had to force myself not to. It took a few days before it felt normal not to go to work.
