Pineapple Pizza 菠萝披萨

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年5月 人物: 伯勒尔·史密斯、布莱恩·霍华德、丹·科特克、史蒂夫·乔布斯、巴德·特里布尔 主题: 硬件、原型、管理 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们熬夜制作第一块印刷电路板

When I started working on the Mac project in February 1981, there was only one early Macintosh computer. It was made by Burrell and was special because it used a special microchip called the 68000. This computer was kept in Bud Tribble’s office, hooked up to a small TV screen. When you turned it on, it would show the word “hello” in small letters on the screen. The text was clear and easy to read on the special black and white monitor.

当我于 1981 年 2 月开始从事 Mac 项目时,只有一台早期的 Macintosh 计算机。
它由 Burrell 制造,很特别,因为它使用了一种名为 68000 的特殊微芯片。

Dan Kottke and Brian Howard were already working on making more prototype circuits. They were carefully following the drawings made by Burrell. A week later, I got the second prototype for my office. This allowed me to work on the basic parts of the computer that deal with input and output, such as connecting the keyboard and disk. Meanwhile, Bud was working on the computer mouse and making the graphics work smoothly.

丹·科特克(Dan Kottke)和布莱恩·霍华德(Brian Howard)已经在致力于制作更多的原型电路。

The next important step was to design a special board used to connect electronic parts. We asked Collette Askeland, who was very good at this job and worked on the Apple II team, to help us. Collette worked closely with Burrell for about two weeks. She used a special computer program to draw the board’s design and connect the wires. After that, she made a tape with all the information needed to make the boards.

我们请 Collette Askeland 来帮助我们,她非常擅长这项工作,并且曾在 Apple II 团队工作。

Burrell and Brian carefully looked over the design many times. They saw it as thousands of connections between different parts. After a day or two, they thought everything was ready to send to the people who would make the design real. We hoped to get the first samples back before the weekend, but it looked like it wouldn’t happen. Finally, just before 4:30pm on a Friday, the samples arrived.

我们希望在周末之前拿到第一批样品,但看起来这不可能发生。最后,就在周五下午 4:30 之前,样品到达了。

Burrell thought it would take at least 2-3 hours to put together a board, and even longer to fix the mistakes that would happen. So, it was too late to try to make one work that night. They might try to start on Saturday or Monday instead. As they were talking about this, Steve Jobs walked into the room, looking happy as usual.

Burrell 认为组装一块板至少需要 2-3 个小时,修复可能发生的错误甚至需要更长的时间。

“Hey, I heard that the PC board came in. Are they going to work properly? When can I expect to see one working?”

“嘿,我听说 PC 板进来了。它们能正常工作吗?我什么时候才能看到它工作?”

Burrell said that the boards just came and it will take at least 2 hours to put one together. He was thinking about whether to start tomorrow morning or wait until Monday.

Burrell 说,板子刚到,组装起来至少需要 2 个小时。

“Monday? Are you serious?” Steve asked. “We’re talking about fixing your computer board, Burrell. Don’t you want to see if it works tonight? I’ll tell you what - if you can get it working tonight, I’ll take you and anyone else who stays around for pineapple pizza.”

“星期一?你认真的吗?”史蒂夫问道。 “我们正在讨论修理你的电脑板,伯勒尔。

Steve knew that Burrell really likes pineapple pizzas now. Steve thinks this is good because he doesn’t eat meat. Burrell wants pineapple pizza whenever he can. Burrell looked at Brian Howard and shrugged. “Okay, let’s try it now. But we might not be able to get it done before the restaurants close.”


Burrell and Brian worked hard, choosing a board and putting sockets on it, making sure they were safe and secure. The rest of us, including Steve, watched and gave our opinions while they worked. Burrell seemed a bit stressed because he didn’t like having so many people watching him do his job. Every few minutes, he would talk about the delicious pizza that was waiting for us and wonder how good it would taste.


At last, around 8pm, we were able to put all the parts together to try to turn it on for the first time. We connected the prototype to an Apple II power source and a small computer screen. We turned it on and were very nervous. The screen should have shown many “hello”s, but instead, we saw a checkerboard pattern.

最后,晚上 8 点左右,我们能够将所有部件组装在一起并尝试首次打开它。
我们将原型连接到 Apple II 电源和小型电脑屏幕。

We were all unhappy when it happened, except for Burrell. He said, “That’s not terrible.” He meant that the computer’s memory and picture-making parts were working okay. The main brain of the computer wasn’t shutting down, and they were almost done. Burrell looked at Steve and said, “But I’m too hungry to keep working. Let’s take a break and get some pineapple pizza.”


Steve smiled and said the project was okay for now, and it was time to have fun. The 7 or 8 of us who stayed late went together in three cars to our friend Burrell’s favorite Italian restaurant in Mountain View. We ordered 3 big Pineapple Pizzas and they were delicious.

我们点了 3 个大菠萝披萨,非常美味。