Real Artists Ship 真正的艺术家船

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 安迪·赫兹菲尔德、比尔·阿特金森、史蒂夫·卡普斯、杰罗姆·库南、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、唐·丹曼、兰迪·维金顿、迈克·默里 主题: 管理、软件设计、通宵达旦 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 最后推动完成软件 , 真正的艺术家船 Real Artists Ship

By the end of 1983, we decided to show and sell the Macintosh computer at Apple’s yearly meeting for shareholders on January 24th, 1984. We almost missed the deadline because of a problem with a disk drive, but we thought a new Sony disk drive would solve the problem. The rest of the computer parts were ready. We finished the computer’s basic program (ROM) in early September and sent it to be made. Now, we just needed to finish the parts that come with the computer, like the system disk and two special programs, MacWrite and MacPaint.

到了 1983 年底,我们决定在 1984 年 1 月 24 日举行的苹果股东年会上展示并销售 Macintosh 电脑。

In 1983, the software team worked very hard during their Christmas break. They were still having trouble finishing the “Finder” program, and it was also slow when copying files from one disk to another. They also needed to test how different programs worked together, like copying text from one program to another, or how programs interacted with small extra programs. As the new year started, it was clear that they were getting close to running out of time.


By the first week of January, the software team was working very long hours. They were testing and fixing problems they found. Everyone in the building was asked to help test, and Apple gave free food to anyone who stayed late to test the software.


The day was almost over and our computer program was still not ready. We knew it was not good enough to send it out to people yet. On Friday evening, we talked about how we needed more time to fix the mistakes. Steve Jobs, Bob Belleville, and Mike Murray were on the other side of the country, working on the big unveiling, so we scheduled a phone call for Sunday morning to tell them about the delay.

史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs)、鲍勃·贝尔维尔 (Bob Belleville) 和迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 在美国的另一边,正在忙着举行大型揭幕仪式,因此我们安排在周日早上打电话告诉他们延迟的情况。

Our team gathered around the phone because we were all tired and not making progress. We still had some big problems to fix, and it seemed like we wouldn’t be able to finish on time. Our manager, Jerome, suggested that we send a test version of the software to the people who would introduce it to the public, and then send the final version to all the customers a few weeks later. We all thought Jerome made a good point as we waited to hear what Steve had to say.


“No, it’s not possible that we won’t finish this!”, Steve said strongly. The room took a deep breath together. “You’ve been working on this for a long time, two more weeks won’t make a big difference. You might as well just finish it already. Do your best and get back to work!”

房间里齐齐深吸了一口气。 “你已经为此努力了很长时间,再多两周也不会产生太大的影响。

We got a little extra time by working on the weekend and moving the deadline to Monday morning at 6am, when the factory opens, instead of Friday afternoon. We decided to go home, rest, and come back to work on Monday ready to finish what we started.

我们在周末工作,并将截止日期从周五下午推迟到周一早上 6 点(工厂开工时),从而获得了一些额外的时间。

The last week was very stressful. Steve wanted Bill, Steve, and me to fly to New York to give a computer called Mac to Mick Jagger. But I decided to stay in Cupertino to help fix some problems with the computer. Some people on our team were taking breaks to have their pictures taken for magazines like Newsweek and Rolling Stone. This made some other team members feel left out and unhappy. Sometimes, the mood around the office was very tense.

上周压力很大。史蒂夫希望比尔、史蒂夫和我飞往纽约,将一台名为 Mac 的电脑送给米克·贾格尔。

It was finally Friday, but we still had many problems with our computer programs, Finder and MacWrite. To help us stay awake, Randy brought in a big bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans and we also drank a lot of coffee. This helped us stay awake for the last couple of days. We started releasing new versions of our programs every few hours, whenever we fixed a big problem.

终于到了星期五,但我们的计算机程序 Finder 和 MacWrite 仍然存在许多问题。

When we got a new version, we would all work on it together. One night, around 2am on Sunday, I found a mistake in the part of the code that deals with the clipboard. I thought I knew what was wrong, but I was so tired that I didn’t want to deal with it. I tried to ignore it, but my friend Steve Capps saw that something was wrong. I was also too tired to lie about it, so Steve made me tell him about the problem and then helped me fix it because I was too tired to do it by myself.

当我们有了新版本时,我们都会一起努力。一天晚上,周日凌晨 2 点左右,我发现处理剪贴板的代码部分有一个错误。

At 4am, we had a big problem. Everything went wrong. Even something that usually worked fine, called MacPaint, was not working. But then, around 5:30am, things seemed to get better. The big problems disappeared, and we thought we might have a good version to release.

凌晨4点,我们遇到了一个大问题。一切都出了问题。即使是通常工作正常的 MacPaint 也无法工作。
但到了凌晨 5 点 30 分左右,情况似乎有所好转。大问题消失了,我们认为我们可能会发布一个好的版本。

We worked together until 6am to test the final version of the software before it went to the factory. At first, it looked okay. But then someone found a big problem - when a blank CD was inserted, the program would freeze. I thought it was stuck waiting for something to happen, so I gently pressed the space bar and the program started working again. Jerome thought this was a serious issue that would delay the release, but he decided to still send it to the factory anyway. He thought it was better to start making copies, even if it was just to make demonstration copies.

我们一起工作到早上 6 点,在软件出厂前测试最终版本。起初,看起来还不错。

The sun was already up and the team of software developers was finally going home to rest. But we weren’t sure if we were really done with our work or not. It felt weird to have nothing to do after working so hard for so long. Instead of going home, Donn and I went to a couch in the lobby and just sat there in a daze. We watched people from the accounting and marketing teams start to come to work at around 7:30 am. We looked pretty rough; everyone could tell we’d been working all night. Actually, I hadn’t gone home or taken a shower for three days.

我们看到会计和营销团队的人早上 7:30 左右开始上班。

After waiting for a long time, Steve Jobs finally arrived at around 8:30. When he saw us, he immediately asked if we had finished. I told him about the problem with the formatting, and he thought it wasn’t a big deal. This meant we were really done. I left around 9am and went home to Palo Alto. I was so tired, I thought I would sleep for a day or two.

这意味着我们真的完成了。我早上 9 点左右离开,回到帕洛阿尔托的家。我太累了,我想我可以睡一两天。