Saving Lives 拯救生命

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、拉里·凯尼恩 主题: 软件设计,灵感 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫希望我们让 Macintosh 启动速度更快 , 拯救生命 Saving Lives

We thought the Macintosh was a fast computer because it had a strong processor. It was 10 times faster than the Apple II. But, we had a problem. The computer didn’t have enough memory, so we had to use floppy disks to store data. This made the computer slow, just like an Apple II. Once we started using real programs, we realized that the floppy disks were a big problem. They slowed down the computer.

我们认为麦金塔电脑是一台速度很快的计算机,因为它有一个强大的处理器。它比 Apple II 快 10 倍。但是,我们遇到了问题。计算机没有足够的内存,所以我们不得不使用软盘来存储数据。这使得计算机变慢,就像 Apple II 一样。一旦我们开始使用真正的程序,我们就意识到软盘是一个大问题。他们减慢了计算机的速度。

Steve Jobs was very upset about the time it took for a Mac computer to start up when you first turned it on. It would take a few minutes or more to check the memory, set up the operating system, and load the main screen. One day, Steve came up with a clever idea to help us make it start up faster.

史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 对 Mac 电脑第一次开机时的启动时间感到非常不安。检查内存、设置操作系统和加载主屏幕需要几分钟或更长时间。有一天,史蒂夫想出了一个聪明的主意来帮助我们让它启动得更快。

Larry Kenyon was responsible for making the part of the computer that helps it work faster. Steve came to his desk and started talking loudly to him. “The Macintosh computer takes too long to start. You need to make it start quicker!”

拉里·凯尼恩 (Larry Kenyon) 负责制造有助于计算机更快运行的部件。史蒂夫来到他的办公桌前,开始大声地和他说话。 “Macintosh 计算机启动时间太长。您需要让它启动得更快!”

Larry began to talk about some things he thought he could make better. But Steve wasn’t paying attention. Larry said, “I’ve been thinking about this. How many people will be using Macintosh computers? Maybe a million? No, I think it will be more than that. I bet five million people will be using their Macintosh computers every day within a few years.”

拉里开始谈论一些他认为自己可以做得更好的事情。但史蒂夫没有注意。拉里说:“我一直在考虑这个问题。有多少人会使用 Macintosh 电脑?也许一百万?不,我认为会更多。我敢打赌,每天将有 500 万人使用他们的 Macintosh 电脑。”几年了。”

“Let’s imagine you can make a computer start up 10 seconds faster. If 5 million people use that computer every day, that’s a total of 50 million seconds saved. In one year, that’s the same as saving the lives of many, many people. So, if you make the computer start up faster, you’re essentially saving a dozen lives. Is that not worth it?”

“想象一下,你可以让一台计算机的启动速度加快 10 秒。如果每天有 500 万人使用这台计算机,那么总共可以节省 5000 万秒的时间。一年内,这相当于拯救了很多很多人的生命。所以,如果你让计算机启动得更快,你实际上就挽救了十几条生命,这不值得吗?”

We were already working hard to make the software run quickly. I’m not sure if the idea we came up with had any big impact, but it was funny and we did manage to make it run about 10 seconds faster over the next few months.

我们已经在努力让软件快速运行。我不确定我们提出的想法是否有任何重大影响,但这很有趣,我们确实设法让它在接下来的几个月里运行速度加快了大约 10 秒。

