Spoiled? 被宠坏了?

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年4月 人物: 巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、罗德·霍尔特、伯勒尔·史密斯、杰夫·拉斯金、兰迪·威金顿、哈特穆​​特·埃斯林格 主题: 管理、楼宇 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Mac 团队素以被宠坏而闻名 , 被宠坏了? Spoiled?

The people who worked on the Macintosh computer were known for being a bit picky and demanding, which was true by 1984. But it wasn’t always like this. Even though Steve Jobs liked to brag that the Mac designers were the best engineers at Apple, this didn’t always mean they got higher pay.

众所周知,Macintosh 计算机的开发人员有点挑剔、要求很高,到 1984 年确实如此。
但情况并不总是这样。尽管史蒂夫·乔布斯喜欢吹嘘 Mac 设计师是苹果公司最好的工程师,但这并不总是意味着他们能得到更高的薪水。

Before I changed teams to work on the Mac, I had a big meeting with my boss to talk about my job. It was happening because some people left the Apple II team in February 1981. At this meeting, I was going to get a small raise in my salary from $22,000 a year to $24,000. But then I changed teams and started working on the Mac. I thought I still deserved the raise, so I went to my new boss, Bud Tribble, to talk about it a few weeks later.

在我换团队使用 Mac 工作之前,我和老板开了一次大型会议来讨论我的工作。之所以发生这种情况,是因为 1981 年 2 月有些人离开了 Apple II 团队。在这次会议上,我的薪水将从每年 22,000 美元小幅提高到 24,000 美元。
但后来我换了团队并开始在 Mac 上工作。我认为我仍然值得加薪,所以几周后我去找我的新老板巴德·特里布尔(Bud Tribble)谈论这件事。

“I agree with you,” Bud said, “but I have a problem. I only make $20,000 a year.”

“我同意你的看法,”巴德说,“但我有一个问题。我一年只赚 20,000 美元。”

I was surprised that Bud was making a small amount of money because other managers in the Apple II team were making at least twice as much. I asked Burrell Smith about his pay and found out that he was making even less than Bud. This was because Burrell started working at Apple as a low-level technician and didn’t get many pay raises as his job responsibilities grew. Less than two months ago, the Mac was just a unsure research project under Jef Raskin, and Steve Jobs hadn’t changed anyone’s salary since he took over the project.

我很惊讶巴德赚的钱很少,因为 Apple II 团队的其他经理的收入至少是他的两倍。我向伯勒尔·史密斯询问了他的工资,发现他的收入甚至比巴德还要少。
这是因为伯勒尔一开始在苹果公司担任低级技术人员,随着工作职责的增加,加薪并没有太多。不到两个月前,Mac还只是杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin)手下一个不确定的研究项目,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)自从接手这个项目以来,没有改变过任何人的薪水。

The next day, I talked to Steve about my upcoming raise. I asked him why Burrell and Bud didn’t make more money, since the work we were doing was so important. Steve was calm and said he didn’t know how much they were being paid, and that he hadn’t given anyone a raise because no one had asked for one. He said we should focus on more important things than our salaries, but he was happy to give us a little bit more money right away. After the raise, the Mac team was still not paid as much as the rest of Apple.

他说我们应该关注比工资更重要的事情,但他很高兴立即给我们多一点钱。加薪后,Mac 团队的薪酬仍然不如苹果其他部门。

Rod Holt was a very smart and opinionated person who could talk about many different things very well. He was a socialist who believed in making things fair for everyone, but he also made a lot of money because he was one of the first employees at Apple. One time, the Mac team hired an older engineer to work on a important part of the computer, and they paid him a lot more money than someone else who was doing more work. When we complained, Rod said that people should get paid based on what they need, not how good they are at their job. We didn’t completely agree with him, but we didn’t really care about the money. Rod was also very charming and thought deeply about things, so we decided to let it go.

有一次,Mac 团队聘请了一位年长的工程师来研究计算机的一个重要部分,他们付给他的钱比其他做更多工作的人要多得多。当我们抱怨时,罗德说人们应该根据他们的需要来获得报酬,而不是根据他们的工作表现来获得报酬。

Our office building, Texaco Towers, was a bit old-fashioned compared to Apple’s other offices. Apple’s offices had modern, high-tech desks and chairs, but Texaco Towers had older, quirky furniture. Steve Jobs was usually careful with money and rarely agreed to spend a lot of money on unnecessary things. For example, he let us buy an old IBM computer to take apart for $2,000 in 1981. However, he refused to spend $20,000 on a special computer called a Xerox Star, even though we had asked for it.

例如,1981 年,他让我们花 2,000 美元购买一台旧 IBM 计算机进行拆解。然而,尽管我们提出要求,他却拒绝花 20,000 美元购买一台名为 Xerox Star 的特殊计算机。

Burrell and I used to walk to the nearby gas station to buy soda from a machine around 4 PM most afternoons. One summer afternoon in 1981, Steve was showing a special guest something, but when we didn’t show up, he got upset. He solved the problem by putting a fridge in the office that was filled with soda. This way, we could get drinks without wasting time, and we got a special perk - free soda.

大多数下午 4 点左右,伯勒尔和我都会步行到附近的加油站,从机器上购买汽水。 1981 年的一个夏日下午,史蒂夫正在向一位特殊客人展示一些东西,但当我们没有出现时,他感到很沮丧。

As the team got bigger in 1982, our way of life changed too. In the middle of 1982, we moved from a building owned by Texaco to a new building on the main campus called Bandley 4. This building was like the other Apple buildings, but it was only meant to be temporary for our team until another building across the street, Bandley 3, was fixed up to hold us. When the team grew, we had to pay our employees enough money to keep them from leaving, so their salaries went up.

1982 年,随着团队规模的扩大,我们的生活方式也发生了变化。 1982 年中期,我们从德士古公司 (Texaco) 拥有的大楼搬到了主校区一座名为 Bandley 4 的新大楼。
这座建筑与其他 Apple 建筑一样,但它只是我们团队的临时建筑,直到街对面的另一栋建筑 Bandley 3 被修好来容纳我们。

We moved into our new building, Bandley 3, in the summer of 1983. The design for our new building showed that we were spending more money than usual. Our software team worked in a big room with glass doors. We called it the “fishbowl” because people outside could see us without even opening the doors. The most impressive part of the building was the big lobby with a large window on the ceiling and some unique decorations.

1983 年夏天,我们搬进了新大楼 Bandley 3。新大楼的设计表明我们比平常花更多的钱。我们的软件团队在一个有玻璃门的大房间里工作。

In the lobby, there were two things to play: video games. We could buy them cheaply a little while after we moved in. I bought Defender, which was my friend Burrell’s favorite. Another friend, Randy Wigginton, bought Joust. On the other side of the lobby, there was an expensive sound system that Steve bought. It had a special player for CDs, which was a new invention at the time, and almost 100 CDs. This meant we had almost all the CDs that were released at that time.

大厅里有两件事可以玩:电子游戏。我们搬进去后不久就可以便宜地购买它们。我买了 Defender,这是我朋友 Burrell 的最爱。另一位朋友兰迪·威金顿(Randy Wigginton)购买了《Joust》。
大厅的另一边,有一套史蒂夫买的昂贵的音响系统。它有一个专门的CD播放器,这在当时是一个新发明,还有近100张CD。这意味着我们几乎拥有当时发行的所有 CD。

Bandley 3 had a small kitchen near the computer area. It was better than our old kitchen in Texaco Towers. Steve didn’t think sugary drinks were good for us, so he got a big fridge that was always full of fresh and healthy drinks like fruit juice from Odwalla. He would order it every morning. He also had other drinks available.

Bandley 3 的电脑区附近有一个小厨房。这比我们在德士古大厦的旧厨房要好。

In the spring of 1984, right when I left Apple, the lobby became filled with some really special things that Steve Jobs had bought on his travels. There was a very expensive piano made by Bosendorfer, which was later joined by a BMW motorcycle. They were shown to show how well-made they were. But people thought Steve might have bought them to impress a designer he liked, named Hartmut Esslinger, who worked for a company called Frog Design that made the outer casing of the Apple IIc.

1984 年春天,就在我离开苹果公司的时候,大厅里摆满了史蒂夫·乔布斯在旅行中买的一些非常特别的东西。有一架由贝森朵夫(Bosendorfer)制造的非常昂贵的钢琴,后来又加入了一辆宝马摩托车。
他们展示了他们的制作有多精良。但人们认为史蒂夫买它们可能是为了给他喜欢的一位设计师留下深刻印象,这位设计师名叫 Hartmut Esslinger,他在一家名为 Frog Design 的公司工作,该公司生产 Apple IIc 的外壳。

At that time, the Macintosh team of 100 people joined with the Lisa team of 250 people. The Mac team leaders were in charge. The Macintosh project had come a long way from being just a small experiment to being the most important part of the company. But I think I liked it better when we had fewer resources and things were simpler.

当时,100人的Macintosh团队加入了250人的Lisa团队。 Mac 团队的领导负责。
Macintosh 项目已经从一个小实验发展成为公司最重要的部分。但我想我更喜欢当我们的资源更少、事情更简单的时候。