The Little Kingdom 小王国

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年12月 人物: 丹·科特克、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金、迈克·莫里茨 主题: 媒体、人物 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫·乔布斯几乎成为 1982 年年度人物 , 小王国 The Little Kingdom

In 1982, a famous magazine called Time had Steve Jobs on its cover. The magazine wrote an article about people who took big risks and were successful. Instead of a normal picture, an artist drew Steve Jobs with an apple on his head. The apple had a special light coming out of it that looked like a zigzag lightning bolt.


The article was about many new and advanced technology companies, but it had a long extra section. This section told the story of how Apple became very successful very quickly. The writer, Mike Moritz, was a young business reporter. He wrote about Apple, sometimes saying negative things (“Jobs, the boss, is sometimes mean to his employees”), but overall, he liked the company and thought it would do well in the future.


Apple was very secretive about developing the Macintosh computer, even within the company. One day, Steve Jobs suddenly showed up in the software area of a building where our team worked, accompanied by a reporter from Time magazine named Mike Moritz. Steve asked me to show him the Macintosh computer and answer any questions he had. It seemed that Mike wanted to write a book about Apple and managed to convince Steve to let him have total access to the company, including our Macintosh team.

苹果公司对麦金塔电脑的开发非常保密,甚至在公司内部也是如此。有一天,史蒂夫·乔布斯突然出现在我们团队工作的一栋大楼的软件区,同行的还有一位名叫迈克·莫里茨的《时代》杂志记者。史蒂夫让我给他展示麦金塔电脑并回答他的任何问题。迈克似乎想写一本关于苹果的书,并设法说服史蒂夫让他完全接触公司,包括我们的 Macintosh 团队。

“Mike will be the one who writes our story,” Steve told us. “So, you can share everything with him. Think of him as part of our group because he’s going to help us remember our journey.”

“迈克将是写下我们故事的人,”史蒂夫告诉我们。 “所以,你可以与他分享一切。把他视为我们团队的一部分,因为他会帮助我们记住我们的旅程。”

Last year, a team at Data General was famous because of a bestselling book called “The Soul of a New Machine”. The book told about the good and bad times that the team had while making a new small computer. Now, it looks like Mike Moritz might do the same thing for the team that made the Mac computer.

去年,Data General 的一个团队因一本名为《新机器的灵魂》的畅销书而出名。这本书讲述了团队在制造新的小型计算机时经历的好时光和坏时光。现在,迈克·莫里茨 (Mike Moritz) 可能会为 Mac 电脑的制造团队做同样的事情。

For a few months, Mike spent a lot of time with the Mac team. He attended many meetings and had conversations with us over lunch or dinner to get to know us better. Mike grew up in a place called South Wales and went to Oxford University before moving to the US for graduate school. He got a special degree in business from Wharton University. Mike is in his mid-twenties, around the same age as many of us. He is very smart and has a good sense of humor. This made him fit in well with us, and it seemed like he understood what we were trying to do.

几个月来,Mike 花了很多时间与 Mac 团队在一起。他参加了许多会议,并在午餐或晚餐时与我们交谈,以更好地了解我们。迈克在一个叫南威尔士的地方长大,在前往美国读研究生之前曾就读于牛津大学。他在沃顿大学获得了商业专业学位。迈克二十多岁,与我们许多人年龄相仿。他非常聪明并且很有幽默感。这让他很适合我们,而且他似乎理解我们想要做什么。

In December 1982, people found out that Time Magazine was thinking about giving Steve Jobs its highest honor, “Man of the Year”, for that year. Mike Moritz, who was in charge of Time’s office in San Francisco, came to visit Apple again for more interviews to help write a big article about Jobs. But we were surprised when Time announced the winner at the end of the year.

1982年12月,人们发现《时代》杂志正在考虑授予史蒂夫·乔布斯当年的最高荣誉“年度人物”。负责《时代周刊》旧金山办公室的迈克·莫里茨(Mike Moritz)再次来到苹果公司接受更多采访,帮助写一篇关于乔布斯的大文章。但当《时代》杂志在年底宣布获奖者时,我们感到很惊讶。

Instead of choosing Steve Jobs as Man of the Year, Time magazine gave the title to “The Computer”. They said 1982 was the “year of the computer” and explained that they could have chosen an engineer or someone who helped make the computer big, but it’s hard to choose just one person because many people helped. More importantly, giving it to one person would make them forget the real point. Time chose the computer as the person who had the most influence, for better or worse.

《时代》杂志没有选择史蒂夫·乔布斯为年度人物,而是将标题授予“计算机”。他们说 1982 年是“计算机年”,并解释说他们可以选择一名工程师或帮助计算机变大的人,但很难只选择一个人,因为有很多人提供了帮助。更重要的是,交给一个人,会让他忘记真正的意义。无论好坏,时间都选择计算机作为最有影响力的人。

The story about Steve Jobs that was printed didn’t only say nice things about him. One of his friends said, “Something sad and not good is happening to Steve.” The person who said something really good about Steve was Jef Raskin, and he said, “Steve would have made a great King of France.”

印刷的有关史蒂夫·乔布斯的故事不仅说了他的好话。他的一位朋友说:“史蒂夫身上发生了一些悲伤且不好的事情。”对史蒂夫说了很多好话的人是杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin),他说:“史蒂夫会成为一位伟大的法国国王。”

Steve was very upset when he read a preview article in Time magazine on New Year’s Eve. He was so upset that he called his friends Dan and Jef on New Year’s Day to talk to them about it. Because of this, the person who wrote the article, Mike Moritz, was no longer allowed on the Apple campus. Steve even told the software team that if they talked to Mike again, they would be fired.

当史蒂夫在除夕夜读到《时代》杂志的一篇预览文章时,他感到非常沮丧。他非常沮丧,以至于在元旦给他的朋友丹和杰夫打电话,和他们谈论这件事。因此,撰写这篇文章的人迈克·莫里茨 (Mike Moritz) 不再被允许进入苹果园区。史蒂夫甚至告诉软件团队,如果他们再次与迈克交谈,他们就会被解雇。

Some people secretly talked to Mike again when he was finishing his book. Mike’s book was called “The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer”. It was published in the fall of 1984. Even 20 years later, many people still think it’s one of the best books about Apple Computer ever written.

当迈克写完书时,有人又偷偷地和他交谈。迈克的书名叫《小王国:苹果电脑的私人故事》。它于 1984 年秋天出版。即使在 20 年后,许多人仍然认为这是有史以来关于苹果电脑的最好的书籍之一。

Mike Moritz changed jobs in 1986. He became a business investor, working with a famous investor named Don Valentine. Don Valentine was one of the first people to invest in a company called Apple. Mike helped a company called Yahoo get started in 1995. He talked to its founders, Jerry Yang and David Filo, and convinced them to make money from their website directory. Today, Mike is one of the most well-known and respected business investors in the industry.

迈克·莫里茨 (Mike Moritz) 于 1986 年换了工作。他成为一名商业投资者,与一位名叫唐·瓦伦丁 (Don Valentine) 的著名投资者合作。唐·瓦伦丁 (Don Valentine) 是最早投资苹果公司的人之一。
1995 年,迈克帮助一家名为雅虎的公司成立。他与该公司的创始人杨致远和大卫·费洛进行了交谈,并说服他们从网站目录中赚钱。如今,迈克是业内最知名、最受尊敬的商业投资者之一。