You Can't Fire Bruce! 你不能解雇布鲁斯!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年5月 人物: 鲍勃·贝尔维尔、巴德·特里布尔、艾伦·凯、史蒂夫·乔布斯、布鲁斯·霍恩、特德·凯勒 主题: 管理、性格冲突 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 软件团队存在性格冲突 , 你不能解雇布鲁斯! You Can’t Fire Bruce!

Bruce Horn joined the Mac team when he was 22 years old. Before that, he had 7 years of experience working with computer graphics. When he was just 14 years old, he started working with computers at a special research group led by Alan Kay. He liked it so much that he kept working part-time there, even when the group moved to a place called Xerox PARC. By the time he joined the Mac team in 1981, Bruce was very good at writing computer code and designing user-friendly interfaces.

Bruce Horn 在 22 岁时加入了 Mac 团队。在此之前,他拥有 7 年计算机图形工作经验。
当他年仅 14 岁时,他就开始在艾伦·凯 (Alan Kay) 领导的一个特殊研究小组中从事计算机研究。
当 Bruce 于 1981 年加入 Mac 团队时,他已经非常擅长编写计算机代码和设计用户友好的界面。

Bruce was a talented and dedicated programmer who fit in well with the team. He became an important help in making the Macintosh computer’s software work better. Bruce was supposed to work on a program that would show files in a way that’s easy to understand, but after a few weeks, he showed us that we needed a special part of the system to manage small pieces of data that apps use, like words and pictures. He called this part the “Resource Manager”. He thought this part was important because it would be needed for the program that shows files (Finder) and also for managing icons and linking documents to other apps.

Bruce 是一位才华横溢、敬业的程序员,非常适合团队。
Bruce 原本应该开发一个程序,以一种易于理解的方式显示文件,但几周后,他向我们展示了我们需要系统的一个特殊部分来管理应用程序使用的小数据,例如单词和图片。

Bruce was working on a project when Bob Belleville became the new boss in April 1982. Bob replaced Bud Tribble, who had to go back to school. Bob used to work at Xerox, but he and Bruce couldn’t be more different. Bob was practical and firm, like a military person, and he didn’t agree with Bruce’s ways of thinking.

1982 年 4 月,鲍勃·贝尔维尔 (Bob Belleville) 成为新老板时,布鲁斯 (Bruce) 正在进行一个项目。

I spent a lot of time with Bob when he first worked on the project. I helped him get ready and we got along well at first. Even though we had different ideas, we got along. Bob was a bit older than the others on the team, and he had a family and wife. He was very careful because of this. He didn’t understand why we were so excited about the Macintosh. He thought it was just another good computer, not special at all. He said to me, “I don’t get it. This computer will become old soon and then there will be another one, and another after that. What’s so special about this one?”


I attended the first team meeting with Bob, which took place in our new building’s main conference room. We used to be in Texaco Towers, but we moved to Bandley 4. We had a lot of ping-pong matches at that table. Our team didn’t have regular meetings before, so this was something new. Bob asked each of us to share what we were working on and when we would finish it.

我们以前住在 Texaco Towers,但后来搬到了 Bandley 4。

Bruce Horn talked about his work on the Resource Manager, but didn’t give a specific date for when it would be done. Bob got upset and asked Bruce to make a guess, but Bruce said he couldn’t do that because it wouldn’t be accurate. Bob thought the Finder was more important and wanted Bruce to stop working on the Resource Manager to help with the Finder instead. But Bruce said no, because the Finder needed the Resource Manager to work properly. They were stuck, but Bob said he would talk to Bruce privately and then they would continue the meeting.

Bruce Horn 谈到了他在资源管理器方面的工作,但没有给出具体的完成日期。
Bob 认为 Finder 更重要,并希望 Bruce 停止开发资源管理器,转而帮助 Finder。
但 Bruce 拒绝了,因为 Finder 需要资源管理器才能正常工作。

I was worried about how the big trouble between Bruce and Bob would be fixed. After a few days, Bruce came to talk to me in the late afternoon, looking very upset.


“Oh, you won’t believe what just happened! I just had a meeting with Bob to talk about the person in charge of resources.”


“What went wrong?”


“We started discussing the work that was left to do, but I said something that made him upset. He started acting strangely and told me that I was not listening to authority and that he was in charge. He said I had to do what he said or else. I asked him what would happen if I didn’t, and he did something unbelievable!”


“I don’t know what happened because I didn’t know what to expect,” I said to him, asking him what he did.


“He threatened me. Can you believe it? For a moment, I thought we were going to fight, but then he started laughing like it was a joke. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, he said we would talk later and left.”


The picture of Bruce and Bob fighting looked silly because Bruce was much taller and heavier than Bob. Bruce’s dad was a strong football player before he became a doctor, and Bruce had inherited his strength. I tried to calm Bruce down and told him I would help fix the problem. The next morning, I went to Bob Belleville’s office as soon as I got to work.


“Hi, I’m glad you’re here,” said Bob. “I need to talk to you about Bruce Horn.”

“嗨,我很高兴你在这里,”鲍勃说。 “我需要和你谈谈布鲁斯·霍恩的事。”

“I want to talk about that”, I said. “Bruce told me about the conversation you had with him last night.”

“我想谈谈这个”,我说。 “布鲁斯告诉我你昨晚和他的谈话。”

“Okay, it’s all sorted”, Bob said, smiling slightly mysteriously.


“I’m not sure this is correct.”


“I decided to let him go. He doesn’t listen to others and do what they say, so he wouldn’t be a good fit for our team.”


Now it’s my turn to get upset. I said, “You can’t fire Bruce! He’s doing really important work for us, and if we lose him, it will cause big problems and take us a long time to catch up.”


“If we keep him, it will only make things worse. He’s always causing problems, and he’ll probably cause even more trouble in the future.”


I strongly believed in supporting Bruce, but Bob became upset with me. He said, “Andy, I’m very unhappy with you. I thought you were smarter than that.” I left his office without knowing what would happen next.


That night, Steve Jobs came to visit like usual. I told him what happened and said it would be a big problem if we lost Bruce. I don’t know what Steve told Bob, but it seems that Steve decided not to fire Bruce because he never brought it up again. After that, I never saw Bob the same way again, and I think that’s when he started to have disagreements with me too.
