You Guys Are In Big Trouble 你们有大麻烦了

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年8月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·阿特金森、巴德·特里布尔、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、布鲁斯·霍恩 主题: 苹果精神、建筑、管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们得到了史蒂夫的许可来拆除繁重的防盗警报器 , 你们有大麻烦了 You Guys Are In Big Trouble

By the spring of 1982, our team, the Mac team, was growing very quickly. We needed a bigger space, so we moved from our old office, Texaco Towers, back to the main Apple office on Bandley Drive. We moved into a medium-sized building called Bandley 4, which is across the street from Apple’s main office.

到 1982 年春天,我们的团队(Mac 团队)发展得非常迅速。
我们需要更大的空间,因此我们从旧办公室 Texaco Towers 搬回位于 Bandley Drive 的 Apple 主办公室。
我们搬进了一座名为 Bandley 4 的中型建筑,位于苹果总部的街对面。

One thing I liked about Bandley 4 was that the software team was close to the parking lot. This meant I could walk out the back door to my car or play basketball without having to go all the way around the building. This worked well for a few months. However, the building maintenance people put an alarm on the back door. This meant I couldn’t go in and out freely. The alarm was only turned on after 5:30pm, but that didn’t help me because I usually didn’t go out for dinner until after 7pm and then I would come back to work. The alarm became a problem because it made me walk a long way several times a day.

我喜欢 Bandley 4 的一件事是软件团队靠近停车场。
闹钟在下午 5:30 后才打开,但这对我没有帮助,因为我通常要到晚上 7 点以后才出去吃晚饭,然后再回来工作。

Sometimes people would forget that there was an alarm and would try to leave the building. The alarm would make a very loud noise, making it hard for them to think until a security guard came to turn it off. This could take more than 10 minutes sometimes.

警报器会发出很大的噪音,让他们很难思考,直到保安过来把警报器关掉。有时这可能需要 10 多分钟。

I complained about the alarm in every possible way, but it didn’t work. When a few team members stayed late, the alarm wasn’t needed, so I asked the person in charge of the building to turn it off after midnight. I even offered to turn it on by myself when the last person left. But my requests were ignored.


Bud Tribble would visit us from Seattle every few months. We would show him what we were working on and get his ideas. One afternoon, he came to the software area and we all gathered around to show him our work. Bill Atkinson and Steve Jobs were there too.


Bill had done some nice digital pictures with a better way of making them look better. He wanted to show them to his friend Bud. The pictures were on his computer in the Lisa building, so he went outside the back door to get it. It was already 5:30pm, so this set off the alarm and a very loud, annoying noise filled the room.

这些照片就在他丽莎大楼的电脑里,所以他从后门出去取。当时已经是下午 5 点 30 分,所以这引发了警报,房间里充满了非常响亮、烦人的噪音。

It took at least three minutes for someone to say, “Can’t we find a way to stop this?”


I saw an opportunity to defeat my enemy. “Can we hurt it to make it stop?” I asked him.

我看到了击败敌人的机会。 “我们可以伤害它让它停止吗?”我问他。

“Yes, do whatever you like, I don’t mind if it gets broken,” he said, putting his hands over his ears. “Just make the noise stop!”

“是的,想做什么就做什么,我不介意它坏了,”他说,用手捂住耳朵。 “让噪音停止吧!”

Bruce and I quickly went to the hardware lab and took all the tools we could find. I took a hammer and a screwdriver. I used the screwdriver to try to stop the alarm. I pounded it hard into the center of the alarm, making sure it went all the way through the device. But even with the screwdriver through it, the alarm kept making noise.


Finally, Bruce used the screwdriver with a lot of strength to twist it. The whole object started to fall apart and broke into many pieces. The loud noise stopped.


At that exact moment, a security guard came into the back door. He saw us cheering because the alarm had stopped making noise. He looked at us, and we still had the things we used to disable the alarm in our hands. He said, “You’re all in trouble! Who is the boss here? I need to see your identification.”


Steve came forward and gave the guard his badge. “I will take the blame for this,” he said.

史蒂夫走上前来,将徽章交给了警卫。 “我会为此承担责任,”他说。

The security guard checked Steve’s identification badge carefully. He looked at Steve, and then looked at the badge again. After a few moments, the guard seemed to think about it and then put the broken alarm pieces back together. He then walked away without saying anything else.


We were happy when the alarm disappeared, but one week later, a new one was put in its place. It stayed there until we moved to a new building a few months later. I don’t know why, but even Steve, who usually has a lot of control, couldn’t change the time it went off.
